Friday, May 27, 2011

Frugal Friday 5/27/11

Happy Friday!

We've had some bad weather this past week, but around it I have managed to hang all laundry out on the clothesline.  Another thing I am doing with the laundry is washing in cold water.

I was able to do some coupon shopping this past week.  Those links are in the linky.   My Mailbox Monday post is also in the linky, where I share the freebies that came in my mailbox the previous month.

We've made sure this week to not let leftovers go to waste.  One night was consciously done as it was a busy day away from home and that was the quickest.  Otherwise they've been used other nights.  My deep freeze (just a small square chest one) is full, as is the freezer on the fridge thanks to a shopping trip to Aldi to stock us up.  He gave me grocery money out of the income tax refund and I chose to stock up with it so that I can get back to trying my best with my coupons and good deals.

I hope you will hook up with my linky and maybe also get the word out about it so others will as well.  I also look forward to the inspiration of others!

Marsha's Spot

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting. This hop is now found on a page on my site that lists more than 250 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also just started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to to visit & participate.
    I hope you’ll visit me soon. I follow back!


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