Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday December 3

Good Morning. It's a cold windy morning here!
Today is my mom's payday and I don't know that she has found a ride to get all her stuff paid. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night so I tried to go back to bed after we got Allen off to school. Now here it is almost time for me to head to work. 10 more days, I am counting down!

Steve did buy me that sewing machine. That's all he talked about last night wasll the things I can sew now. I do look forward to getting the machine out, setting it up and getting started on something. I have some scraps of material from a friend that I want to start a quilt with. However, I need to finish up things I've started for Christmas gifts before I can start messing with the sewing machine.

Today's squidoo lens to share is about the crafts that I make. Marsha's Crafts

The kids have Awanas this evening after having last week off. I'm hoping my daughter and her boyfriend will get them there. That is one reason I miss the van as I do enjoy getting them there and picking them up. Keep praying that I can get another vehicle really soon.

Have a good day and stay warm!


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