Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday November 25

Good Morning.
They didn't show up to take Allen to school...oh my gosh, couldn't even make it just 2 days this week. This really upsets me, he has to be late again to wait for another ride and soon we will get that letter about how being late so many times is also truancy and will be turned in to child services...just what we don't need is a visit from them!
They did show up and take me to work and pick me up from work yesterday...guess if they don't show up today I will just take the van.

It's going to be a strange Tuesday without all the normal appts. All I have today is work and bowling. And, after bowling I can stay up as late as I like on here since there is no school or work tomorrow...that will be a great change.

I've already warned the kids that we will be cleaning tomorrow. We need to decide if we are putting the Christmas tree down here in the basement or cleaning a corner upstairs in the living room for it. Either way I don't expect to work alone.

I built a new squidoo lens yesterday, one that I think you will really enjoy. It's dedicated to my mom and all about Elvis. Elvis Presley

Thanks to all for reading and have a glorious Tuesday,


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