Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday May 7

Good Morning. Looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day outside. High today is 83...however it then drops back in to the 70's for days after that and looks like more rain.
We got some flower seeds planted yesterday in front of the house. I found out the people next door have put their house on the market so we need to do what we can to clean up our yard to make it look better. I sure wish I could buy the house! My mom lived in an apartment there as a child while my grandpa built this house. Then my other grandma lived in another apartment there while I was growing up. When I was first married I lived in yet another apartment in the house. It's been years now since it was bought and turned into a one family home. Maybe it's just sentimental, or maybe it's because it's a HUGE house. They are only asking $83,000 which is an awesome price.

I didn't get to listing those items again on homeschoolbuy...will I get it done today? Stay tuned tomorrow to find out LOL
I need to, as I said, they won't sell if they aren't listed. I need to make some money to at least pay up the cable bill. I'm going to try to sell my old van for junk today to pay a fraction of what my bill is.

Steve called yesterday and I guess they want to do a big bbq at their place Sunday for Mother's Day. That will work, and also give everyone a chance to see the new house they bought. I will get with him more on it later today. I have a dr. appt. this afternoon and will call him to let him know how it went.

Someone posted on gather yesterday about a child excited that his father had finally bought him a gaming system but they had no games to go with it. An Atari 2600!! Well, we still have our old school Atari and boxes of games. I pulled out all the games and came up with 30 we have doubles of to send him. I hope he enjoys them and in the 30 are games like frogger, pac man and ms pacman, as well at some driving games, shooting games, word games, and bowling. My kids still have a blast playing the old Atari games from my childhood!

I better head out to get some other things done (like adding those books for sale) Have a great Thursday!


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