Sunday, June 17, 2012

SIS--Shares in Squidoo--Cleaning House


This week my mind has really been on cleaning my house.   I just can't seem to find the motivation needed to get our house back into the clean, organized and de-cluttered state that if should be in.

Strange that I did a search on cleaning house on squidoo and came up with all kinds of matches that had nothing at all to do with house cleaning.  I've realized now that I was searching with Happy Snowman, so no wonder everything was coming up having to do with Christmas.  Still strange to me, but I guess I was on a Happy Snowman post when I started my search.   Starting over from my dashboard I did find results, most of which I had found on my own anyway!

This one was in the updated lenses list today in the squidoo facebook community group:
Tips on Cleaning Your House 

Here's another one that is great:
The Ultimate Clean House Schedule

This is the best one I found--the one that I think will help me the most.  IN fact, I've clicked out to read more about the method.
Cleaning My House the Easy Way

Here is my own lens about a book that has served me well in the past.  Great method, it's just me getting back to it after sitting on my couch for over a month and being away from my box!
Sidetracked Home Executives

1 comment:

  1. I remember your review lens of The Sidetracked Home Executives book. I had to laugh over all the cleaning lens links you have shared... as I look around at my neglected housework!


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