Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Homeschool Journal--Wedding Week

Hip Homeschool Hop ButtonLast week was the wedding of my oldest daughter.  They were married February 29th.  They just had to have the odd date.

We did very little school work, and I just didn't let that get to me!  We were busy with final preparations, making decorations, mints, etc.  Buying new clothes was also part of the deal.
We did get math in a couple of days as well as some reading about England.  We also attended Bible study as well as playing bingo for family fun night at church.

Here is a photo of Jasmine serving the punch after the wedding:
 Here is a photo of the wedding party---which includes all 5 of my daughter's children.  Elizabeth chose a burgundy dress and then they went with a blue for their second color.

 I'm late getting this posted this week due to getting schoolwork complete this morning!  No Bible study today due to a funeral of a church member....of which we are now running out the door for.


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