Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Homeschool Journal--We Did It Again!

Hip Homeschool Hop Button Yay!  We did it again--we had another good full week of getting schoolwork done.  I'm glad the holiday rush is over and things are seeming to get back to normal.

Sunday the 15th was youth Sunday at the church where Jasmine attends youth group.  She had parts of the service so we went to that church instead.  I wish I had gotten some pictures of her during the service but wasn't sure how that would go over.  It's what our pastor calls "high church".

It's really working out for me to make a list of assignments for her for the week.  Not only to use when we are out and about, but also at home when I am busy "at the moment" with things such as the final touches on making a quilt or well, typing up a blog post.

We are reading books about England as I stated last week.  I've started a squidoo lens--Learning About England--if you would like to take a look.  It's just the start as more learning and more books will be added as we go through the rest of the pile of books.

For math right now we are doing review on the dry erase board.  I am also reading (and discussing) out loud with her out of a Barnes & Noble Basics book called Saving Money.   She is working in the Saxon Algebra 1/2 text book on her own, asking questions if she's not understanding.

I apologize for not having any pictures this week.  I keep forgetting to snap any.  I know that pictures make the blog reading a lot more interesting.  Taking my camera today as I am having an extra sewing club day today and she will be working on her own for the day.


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