Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday July 18

Good morning! They are having 2 blocks of yard sales starting in the block next to mine today and tomorrow. Of course I had to go check them out. I am excited, I found a fairly large bag of netting to make scrubbies with! I seen a twin size bed I would loved to have bought for when I can make up the 2nd bedroom here in the basement. Ah, I held off not knowing when this plumbing will be fixed for me to be able to make the other room.

I finally won at! I wrote up about my win with pictures of what I won at gather if you would like to take a look. I still have no referrals there, which each referral will give me an additional entry into the drawing. Maybe reconsider and join and help me out? You just have to put in that marsha32 sent you on the line that asks.
My First mycoolcontest Wins!

The program I would like to tell you about today is another traffic exchange. It's been around since 2003 and is a really good one. You earn money while your sites are being seen, 30 cents for each 1000 sites you see with a low minimum payout of $3. I've been paid several times over the years and the traffic is great. You also earn 10 cents once your referral has surfed 100 pages, plus 10% of the credits they earn.

Here is wishing everyone a great start to their weekend!


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