Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trying to stay busy.

Once again I woke up late this morning. I have NO idea how I am going to get back up early again starting on Monday. This time change is kicking me.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time upstairs and not on the computer. I finsished crocheting the rug for in front of the recliner. I started working on crocheting a rainbow colored rag rug, but got stopped when I realized I have no green t-shirts cut up. I love the rainbow colors though, they are so pretty. Then I just got started on a regular rug, and worked until I ran out of materials. Guess I will go out on the look out today for more t-shirts to use.

I just got done buying at ebay through Big Crumbs. Did you know that you can go through Big Crumbs to make your ebay purchases and earn cash back?? It's awesome! Plus there are hundreds of other places to shop and get money back as well. The best part about Big Crumbs, compared to the other shopping sites, is that they pay you to your paypal each month with NO minimum!

One last item for today. I got another lot of sewing patterns listed on ebay. This is a lot of 22 Misses size 12 patterns.

thanks for reading toda!



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