Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Homeschool Journal--How Do You Handle Days In a Row of Chaos??

This is a me ranting post......but how do you handle having days and days of total chaos??

Last week we only got in one good day of school work with texts and workbooks.    We ended up out and about and not getting to come home when expected day after day.  We didn't even have the usual workbooks in the van to work on.  I had brought them in the house to take the time to go over the work she had done in them.  We only have gotten over one of those workbooks, and yes, that was on our good day of schoolwork.

Let me give you examples of what I am talking about.  One day last week, we started out the day by taking my mom to pay some bills.  It was my oldest daughter's birthday.  After taking my mom around, we stopped back by our house to check the mail for my paycheck.  Got the check, went to the bank, then to the grocery store where we did some coupon shopping.  Driving out of the store's parking lot, my phone rings.  It's my oldest daughter asking if I can please pick her kids up from school (it was early release day) because she was in a car accident.  Pick the kids up, go to the scene of the accident, have to run to my mom's and get copies of the insurance.  We were then at the scene of the accident for over an hour.  But, we then had to sit at the DMV for well over an hour to get my daughter's license renewed.  Directly after that it was to take my daughter to the ER as her neck pain and dizziness had gotten worse.  Dropped her off at the ER, went to Walmart to do my merchandising job, then home to make my daughter a birthday cake.  The cake barely had time to cool to get to my mom's house for the birthday party.    I don't remember what we did the rest of the evening!

Yesterday the morning started out with me going to do my merchandising job.  I often take Jasmine along because we have things that we do with our smartphones to earn gift cards and money.  We scan things at the stores.  We did our scanning at Walmart and then on to Target to scan more items.  From there we headed to my friends house to sort and cut coupons.  Oh oh...forgot that my mom had a dr. appt.  Take mom to her dr. appt, then my daughter called.  She needed me again to pick her kids up from school, take her to get a pre-paid credit card, then to the car rental place.  Once home there was laundry and dishes to deal with before we could get supper.  A last minute text message from the youth group leader reminded the kids that they were doing a movie and pizza that night.

Yes, lots of real life lessons in these days----learning what happens at the scene of an accident (pictures, paperwork, watching ambulance workers, watching the tow truck work), finding out the hassle of the DMV, coupon shopping to save money, earning money from work....the list does keep going.

Lesson learned??  Pray for patience!    Also, keep those workbooks in the van no matter what.  When I am ready to go over them with her,  just bring one in the house at a time, just in case.

Thank you for reading my ranting  :)

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  1. We've had weeks like that as well. In the months of November and December last year, we might have gotten in 5 days of good school work in.
    But the good news is: the chaos eventually ends. Now my son is doing 2 or 3 days worth of work in one day without even breaking a sweat.

    Hope your chaos ends soon! :)

  2. Gotta love homeschooling! Eventually everything works out. I follow you via GFC. I host a weekly party that starts at 6:00pm every Tuesday called Fluster’s Creative Muster Party. I would love for you to stop by and share your talent and creativity.

    Hugs and Smiles,

    Robin @ Fluster Buster
    Follow My Blog with GFC


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