Friday, September 21, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--9/21/12

The state fair is over and we made it through. My daughter has bought some sensible things with some of her earnings--such as clothing and accessories. Now she just needs to clean out her closet and such of clothes she's not worn in ages.
She also bought some not so sensible items---3 Hermit Crabs and their accessories. She's wanted the for years though, so spending the money she earned is good for her.

I'm working on de-cluttering both in the house and in the garage. I'm currently posting things up for sale on our local facebook group for selling. I'm hoping to make some extra money along with some extra space.

This week I am sharing 4 uses for emery boards from the 99 Cent Solutions book:

1. Erase the eraser. Rub away smudges and scuffs on your pencil eraser with an emery board. Lightly rub it over the eraser until the marks are gone.

2. File seeds before planting. Rub off the hard coating on seeds using an emery board before you put them in to the ground. They will absorb moisture better and get a head start sprouting.

3. Steam away stains on suede. Rub the stain on those suede shoes, or your suede jacket by rubbing it gently with the fine side of an emery board. Hold the suede item over steam from a pan. The stain will disappear. Use the emery board again to freshen the nap.

4. Get to the point. Knives get dull, scissors get dull, even needles get dull. Make your needle sharp again by rubbing it against an emery board.

Now it's your turn to share the great posts you have shared on your own blog over this past week. I really do enjoy reading them and being inspired to keep doing my best to be frugal and lead a simple life.

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