Friday, January 6, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--4 Uses for Meat Tenderizer

Good Morning! I hope your new year is off to a frugal start.
I have some things in mind that I've not gotten to, and at the same time I've been doing well.
I plan, first of all, on making the homemade Bisquik. Hopefully I will get to that today.
I've been doing some things like making sure lights are turned off in rooms we aren't in, or they aren't on if we don't really need them on. I'm working on getting crafts done from my stash of supplies. Seriously, if I didn't buy any more supplies, I have enough to keep me busy I would guess for 3 or 4 years! I did buy a spool of thread, but a couple more would keep me in my sewing too with all the material I have.

I built 2 new squidoo lenses this past week that are along the lines of saving money and being frugal. I will link those up in the linky this week. Yes, you may link up any url you like as long as it's on subject, not just blog posts.

I was looking through this 99 Cent Solutions book and realizing that sharing out of the way I am, it would be a couple more years at least to get through the whole book. I hope to start doing separate blog posts with more throughout the week and just linking them up to this post. That way we can call learn faster from the book and I might actually get through it too.

This week it's 4 uses for meat tenderizer:
1. Take the bite out of a mosquito attack. Slather on a paste made by mixing a little meat tenderizer with a few drops of water on that itchy red bump. Let it sit for 5 minutes before washing it off. If you catch the bite right away there will be no mark at all left. Even hours later you will still reduce the redness and swelling significantly.

2. Ease a sting. The same trick works for a wasp or hornet sting, relieving the pain almost instantly. If the stinger is still in the skin, gently remove it with tweezers, being careful not to squeeze it deeper into the wound. Apply the meat tenderizer and water paste and let it remain on the skin until it dries and flakes off. This take about 15 minutes or so. The enzymes break down the toxins from the sting.

3. Soothe lower back pain. Mix 1/4 cup meat tenderizer with 2 tablespoons of water, adding a bit more as needed to make a runny paste. Rub this right into the skin over your aching lower back. Ideally, cover the area with a washcloth dipped in hot water and squeezed out. After 10 or 15 minutes you will feel the muscles start to relax. Rinse it off and take it easy.

4. Take on touch stains. Hot chocolate, coffee with milk, blood---these protein based stains are usually nearly impossible to remove completely. If the stain is still wet you have the best chance. If not, wet he cloth and hope for the best. Sprinkle the stained area thickly with meat tenderizer, rub it in, and let it rest for 1 hour. Then launder as usual.

Until next week!


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