Friday, April 11, 2014

Frugal Friday With Marsha 4/11/14

It's garden time!
I am ready to get my gardening on.
This year I am going to try  something different......again.  I bought 3 raised bed things from my cousin last year.  One I did use to surround a compost pile, but I will plant something in it.

I'm waiting for my paycheck in today's mail to buy good soil to mix with the compost piles (even though they really didn't compost).
I have bought the black netting to lay in the bottom of each of the boxes.
I also bought some other supplies for a couple of plant food recipes that I want to try.

Here are the links to the 2 recipes that I am going to make:

Banana Peel Plant Fertilizer Spray

Ways To Stretch A Dollar: Homemade Liquid Miracle Grow Concentrate For $0.35 A Container! 

I only have a set amount of money to spend on dirt and seeds, and plants so wish me luck that I can get a good garden going this year!

My friend paid for an ebook up Growing and Up Garden.  I read it out loud to my daughter, counting it for science in our homeschooling.  I learned more about composting so I hope I can be more successful with that this year.
I am going to turn on youtube with her and watch videos too.
This makes 3 years in a row that my compost pile didn't compost and I really don't know what I am doing wrong.

Our dirt in our yard is just not good.  That is why I am going to buy dirt to fill the raised beds.  I know it won't be too cheap, but I'm hoping I will then be able to just amend that from year to year after this year.

Do you have any gardening tips?   Link up anything frugal, money saving etc, even if it doesn't have to do with gardening!



1 comment:

  1. I have gotten seeds off of Listia before. Flowers and veggies.


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