Thursday, August 16, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--This Week's Theme is School

Yesterday was the first day of public school here in our city.  Today is the first day for high school.  Usually we start slow into our schoolwork on August 1, since that is the first day of the fiscal school year.  This year is different only because my daughter now has a boyfriend and today is his first day.  Therefore it's also our first day and time to get serious!

This is why I choose school to be this week's theme.  Please share a lens or two below in the linky that have anything to do with school. (I will be building a new lens later today to get us started for this school year.)
Don't worry...if you don't build lenses related to school, feel free to share 1 or 2 of your other lenses.

Also, share any blog posts you have done that have anything to do with squidoo!



  1. starts early where you are. Out here school doesn't start until August 29, and I thought that was early (where I grew up it never started until September).

  2. I posted good school snacks, Carrot chips and Salmon jerky (brain food)


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