Thursday, April 28, 2011

Squidoo Hopping 4/28/11

Good Thursday morning and welcome to this week's Squidoo Blog Hop.  I hope to see lots of you link in your squidoo related blog posts this week and keep me busy hopping around squidoo.

My Toothbrush Rugs--Last week a challenge was put out by one of the Rocket Mom's to build a lens about a craft for me.  Since generally we build lenses on crafts we've made as gifts, or crafts we make to sell, she wanted to see lenses about something we are making for ourselves.  I'd been wanting to build a lens about the toothbrush rugs I make, and since I am currently working on one to put in our basement, it was perfect timing.  It will updated along the way as my rug progresses.  This one is going to be large and take me awhile to complete.

This Day in History April 24-- I wanted to build this on my birthday but didn't get to it until the following day.  Another in my series of lenses.  For now I am building for dates that mean something to me.   Today is my son's birthday so a little later I will be doing today's history.

Looks like that is all I did this past week in squidoo.  Hopefully this week I can start getting caught up on my review type lenses as well as get a couple more of the history ones built.

Until next week---keep on squidooing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for allowing us to share our links. Really enjoy your blog.


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