Friday, August 29, 2014

Frugal Friday with Marsha Link Up 8/29/14

For the next several weeks, each Friday I am going to share frugal recipes that are also family friendly as well.
This week it's Hamburger Stew:

My mom started making this years ago and it’s one of our family favorites. It costs very little to feed our crew.

Hamburger Stew

1 lb ground beef (we use ground turkey)
1 can tomato soup
1 can vegetable soup or 1 can of mixed vegetables.

Cook and drain the ground meat.
Add the can of tomato soup and the can of vegetables.
Add water to consistency you desire. That’s it!

We serve this over toast. If we have shredded cheese available we can top it off with that.
All you really need to do it add a dairy and your fruit for a balanced meal. It’s simple and very inexpensive to fix.
We choose to use ground turkey at our house over ground beef. It’s cheaper and it’s healthier. Whether we use the vegetable soup or the mixed vegetables depends on what we have in the house at the time.

We serve 8 or 9 of us on this one recipe, which leaves everyone wanting more so I would say it serves 4. You can add rice or cooked pasta to make it stretch even further.

Temperance Enjoying a Frugal Meal, Published by Hannah Humphrey, 1792

Temperance Enjoying a Frugal Meal, Published by Hannah Humphrey, 1792

James Gillray

Buy This at


  1. I love hamburger stew but I make mine a little differently. I've never made it with tomato soup before and will have to try your recipe.

  2. This reminds me of a recipe I like that my mom used to make and that her parents made during the depression will try and do a post to link up to your next week.


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