Thursday, February 28, 2013

Squidoo Hopping--Snow Snow Snow

First, let me apologize for missing last week's post.
Here is Kansas we were hit by 2 heavy winter storms this past week. By the end of last Thursday we had 15 inches of snow. Bam! On Monday it came back with another 8 inches.

Let's try a theme again this week in our sharing of lenses. Once last hurrah (I hope!) to winter. Link up 1 or 2 of your lenses that have anything to do with winter.

If you have blog posts from this past week that deal anything with squidoo, please also link those as well.


  1. I chose to post my lens about "soups" since this is when we enjoy eating soups the most.


  2. Good grief that is a lot of snow! I awoke to winter white this morning but it's a wet snow and is sticking a bit on the grass but not on the roads, thankfully.

    I shared my year-round Christmas Cheer for Shelter Dogs lens! Thank you for the opportunity to share our Squidoo lens articles, Marsha!

  3. Wow, that's a lot of snow! February seems to be the time for it. When we were on the mountain our deepest snows seemed to come in Feb, and here in Texas our rare snowstorms seem to come most often in Feb (though they're never very deep).

    How my entry ended up with "Are" I don't know. I swear I typed more than that! LOL!


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