Thursday, January 31, 2013

Squidoo Hopping--February

Since tomorrow is February 1 (already!), let's make this week's theme February.    Share 1 or 2 of your lenses that have anything to do with February.

I only happen to have one lens, which is my history lens.  My oldest daughter will celebrate her 27th birthday tomorrow.  Even though she has 5 children it's still hard to believe that many years have gone by!

I didn't make my goals last week with squidoo, but I did work hard on them.  Here's hoping that this next week brings me lots of motivation to get to work!



  1. Don't have a lens to link up on the theme today, but I wanted to share that I made it to level 55...and if anyone would like to help me decide what lens to use my lens boost on, please take the poll on the top of this lens:

  2. This is my lens for the February food quest challenge. It falls into February because February is National Fiber Awareness Month!


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