Thursday, April 12, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Updating Away

Welcome to another week of squidoo hopping!
I have been busily updating lenses. I have---youch!---14 lenses in the red. My goal is to get those out of the red. It looks like 2 that I updated have moved out of the red, but 2 more moved into the red.

So, is it smart of me to keep working on those, or is it smarter to concentrate on those that are in tier 3 and above instead? I sure don't want those to drop down, since if I am understanding correctly, we don't make anything on lenses that are below tier 3, or over 86,000 in rank. Is this correct?

I am placing 2 of my in the red lenses (that I have done some updates on) in the linky below this week. Please bear in mind that both can still have a lot of updating done to them. I am just doing 2 or 3 updates at a time.

Some of my updates include checking the tags and the topic. I've been surprised to find out that I had only 3 or 4 tags! Not only that, but the lenses have not even been in the right topic....or they were in the right topic but didn't have any sub topics chosen. I think this goes way back to when they changed to add more sub topics and I never went through my lenses.

I do hope to see many of you link up below :)

1 comment:

  1. I have also been doing a lot of updating - new intro pics, new images withing lenses, new products, and using new tools. Then there's creating new lenses - always lots to do.

    Thanks again for the opportunity - enjoying your blog.


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