I have a nice start on next Christmas, yes, thinking way ahead. I'm also hoping that I can keep up the way I'm already going and fill my tote where I stash gifts. Some will be used for birthday gifts throughout the year as well.
I started off Christmas Eve by crocheting myself a headband to keep my ears warm in this cold weather. This prompted me to think that I can make these for the women and girls for next Christmas. Finding a stash of fancy yarn that I had bought at a yard sale (and had totally forgotten about) was a blessing to help me work on this project. I can pull this out at various times to work on.
While shopping at Wal-Mart for my gift exchange gift for our family gathering, there was a couple buying pocket knives for stocking stuffers. I was surprised to see they were only $1.97. They left just one on the shelf, and I bought it. My plan is to pick one up whenever I can throughout the year as these will be great to have with the gifts for the guys and the older grandsons.
I also have a plan to try to pick up something at Dollar Tree each time I shop there to add to my gift stash.
The other thing that I already started doing is to look at Snagshout on a regular basis to see what I can get for $3 or less that will make a good gift. I've already ordered a $14.97 BBQ utensil set for $3. It should come in today. You never know what I might find there throughout the year and as of now, I have 7 more Snags that I can use. This will also help me make better use of the free shipping with my Amazon Prime membership as well!
I think I have a really nice start and fully intend to keep it up!
How was your Christmas? Are you ready for the New Year? What plans do you have for saving in the new year?

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