Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday October 29

Good Morning!
I don't think there will be too much excitement today. I am off work. I hope to get these other 7 listings done on homeschoolbuy, build at least one more squidoo lens, and then do anything else that I can get done online.

At some point we have to get out and pay for new tags for the van...other than than, no plans outside the house. Woo Hoo! I'm going to think today is Friday LOL

I still haven't written anything but my daily post on gather, so today I would like to share again with you mycoolcontests.

I've won 7 prizes so far. It's a lot of fun going through the prizes in hopes that one or more has your name on it. It's totally free, and I hope you will check it out. You get 1 entry for signing up and then a 2nd entry for putting in a photo. Then, for each referral you get an additional entry each day.
I've made a squidoo lens on it too that tells a lot more detail if you are interested in checking that out. Mycoolcontests

I only logged in to winster yesterday but didn't have time to play. I didn't want to lose my 300 spins though. I will have 600 when I log in today but doubt that I use them all. It's a lot of fun to play too but a time waster since I can't have any other windows open at the same time due to that causing me a lot of lag.

I will close for this day and see you all tomorrow :)


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