Friday, January 4, 2013

Frugal Friday With Marsha 1/4/13


It's a new year---what are your goals?
Among mine is to declutter and reorganize our home.  Less is more.

I've been putting things in their proper places instead of having them laying all over the house.  I'm plan to go through boxes and drawers that haven't been touched since we move in here.  Honestly I should just throw them out instead of taking time to look through them.   I'm thinking of putting stuff by the box full up on freecycle to give away.  I am listing some things in the local facebook buy/sell/trade group in hopes of making a few $$ too.

I took a few weeks off from shopping too much with coupons and I am working now on getting back in to the saving and stocking up.  I have been able to shop twice this week.
I saved over $2000 with coupons in 2012--more than double what I saved in 2011---think I can double that again in 2013?

Today from the 99 Cent Solutions book I am sharing ways to use shampoo:

1.  Get rid of ring around the collar.  Rub a little shampoo on that ring around the collar with an old toothbrush.  Shampoos containing ammonium lauryl sulfate work best.  Let it sit for 30 minutes then launder as normal.

2.  Wash away hair spray.   Hairspray tends to get other places than just in your hair.  Use a cleaner of one gallon of warm water and a squirt of shampoo to clean your sink, walls and floor.  Rinse with a clean rag.

3.  Shampoo your silk.  Hand wash your silk in cool water and a protein-based shampoo.  The shampoo will not destroy the silk and it will actually give the silk more body and a longer life.

4.  Get rid of the fog.  Foggy windshields are annoying and dangerous.  If you have trouble with your windshield fogging up on the inside, simply wipe it clean with a rag moistened with shampoo.  It will clear the fog and clean the window at the same time.

5.  Say good-bye to sapIf you get sap on your hands, just zap it away by washing your hands with shampoo.

Now it's your turn to share your frugal/simple living posts for this week!



  1. Thanks for the great hints for using shampoo. Congrats on saving so much money couponing last year!

  2. I'm going to have to remember the shirt collar tip !! Great uses for shampoo. I haven't got a post to link up for you but will happily share for you. Looking forward to seeing some more tips x

  3. You had some great tips I haven't thought of before. I use conditioner that I don't like for shaving cream, though!

  4. Way to go on the savings in 2012! So cool to save money with coupons and by being smart!

  5. Great tips! I have never heard of these before and WOW what a great savings total too! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great tips! I too need to be re-organizing the home.

  7. I wish I would have known the sap trick after taking down the Christmas Tree! Great tips ;)

  8. Who knew!?? Thanks for the tips!


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