Thursday, January 3, 2013

Squidoo Hopping--Top Ranked Lenses

This week I would like you to link up your top 1 or 2 ranked lenses.

I don't know what keeps a lens at the top, other than the obvious that people are actually viewing it and maybe actually buying something from it, or clicking to an outside link.

I am pretty sure that the ones at the top of my list stay there because when someone clicks to my profile to return a comment favor or the like, they just click from the top.  I, on the other hand, do the opposite when I am returning a comment favor.  I click through the pages, sometimes starting at the last page of their lenses.  If I don't, it's because I truly am interested in the info inside one of the top ranked lenses on their list.  I do always try to find a lens that is of interest to me, over just clicking to view.

As most of you know, my biggest squidoo goal is continual updating of my lenses.  I am in hopes this will help my rankings as I don't have a single lens that is in tier 2, let alone tier 1!

What do you think gets a lens into the higher tiers?



  1. I've just started looking at a site to promote a niche, though I do have seven lenses on the subject. There's a holding page at (a fairly crude way to give lenses a few backlinks!).

  2. Hopping along with you this week, Marsha, and love your topic this week! Thank you!

  3. Hi Marsha...yeah, it seems like a few of my lenses always stick at the top, and mostly because of traffic it seems...though other ones occasionally creep up to the top seasonally (like at Christmas my Literary Cards was on top for a while).

  4. Great topic! I'm actually not sure why some of my lenses do better than others. If I knew, they'd all be top tier! Since Squidoo is a form of recreation for me I write about what I'm interested in - not necessarily what is a hot topic. I do try to use the Google key word tool, but sometimes what seems to have a lot of searches and low competition doesn't give me very good traffic and othertimes I write about doesn't something that doesn't show many searches (or none) and I'm pleasantly surprised when I get more traffic than I expected. Obviously I have much to learn.

  5. If you can answer this and share it without charging then you'd be quite popular. If you do charge you might actually have yourself a nice little niche in the Squidoo market.

    Just wrote a post about what I thing about my top 5. For me I think it is the clickouts. Over a 30 day period there is almost 1,000 clickouts.

    My top 5 have been there quite steadily for the last couple of years.

  6. suppose to say think not 'thing'

    1. Sara, that is a great number of clickouts! I am headed to your blog post next!


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