This week I want to remind you of other sharing opportunities that I have here on my blog:
Super Sunday Reviews--Share reviews you have written in the past week.
All Business Monday--Share blog posts you have written about your business.
Writer's Unite--as you know is each Thursday where you can share 1 or 2 links to your writing online, any platform, any time you have written it (even if it was years ago)
Frugal Friday--share any posts that you have written related to living a simple life, being frugal, saving money.
Ongoing giveaway--If you host giveaways on your blog, share them on this page, which is found in the index.
Homemade 2012 and Beyond---also a page in the index where you can share any post you have written about making handmade gifts, or even list your handmade shop etc.

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