Friday, February 15, 2013

Frugal Friday with Marsha--Linky Party

I hope this week has found you saving money, being frugal, accomplishing whatever your goals are!

Here are my shopping trips since last Friday:

Only 55% saved on this trip, but fish for a month and a few more cans of chili in our stockpile.  Spent $13.87, saved $6.40 with coupons and I rec'd a $5 catalina towards my next trip for buying the fish!

 Using the $5 catalina and an addition $2.50 in coupons, I saved 94% on these 5 items, spending just .80!

 The total for this order was $8.98, but I spent nothing out of pocket because I used part of a $10 gift card that was sent to me by and Kroger to try the Kroger Yogurts.
I used $12.05 in coupons for a savings of 65%

We were stocked up enough that this was the only shopping for the entire week.

Other news this weeks is me cleaning out and reorganizing my craft room.  I am just in amazement (more like appalled) at how many items I have allowed to get into my craft room that don't belong in there.  I won't post the before photos here, but if you would like to see them, you can click over to my gather post: (will open in a new window) Craft Room Before Pictures
I've been wanting my fabric and such organized into cubbies since seeing a photo of a room on pinterest using them.  I've bought myself a couple of small cubby organizers, but hubby bought me a 12 hole unit with part of our state income tax refund.  Not exactly frugal, but will be good for my peace of mind and simple living once my supplies are organized.  If you check out the pictures in my post above, you will know why I haven't had much motivation to get into my craft room and get any real work done.

Your turn to share!


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