Friday, July 15, 2011

Frugal Friday's With Marsha 7/15/11

Good Friday to all! I got distracted this morning so a little late getting this posted.
Steve won a $100 gift card at work so we were attempting to plan a little getaway on his vacation.

Nothing in particular to report this week as far as my own being frugal. Just the usual hanging laundry on the line--and my daughter has also hung hers on the line too! We did get one tomato out of the garden. The plants are growing like crazy, but sure not producing.

Here are this weeks tips from the 99 Cent Solutions Book:
Baking Soda:
1. Soften beans--Afraid those beans have been on the shelf too long? Just throw in a pinch of baking soda while they soak. Then also add a fresh pinch of baking soda while they cook to reduce the "after effects" of eating them.

2. Get rid of fishy odor--Been chopping something pungent? The smell of garlic or fish can linger on your fingers long after the food is gone. Avoid that by scrubbing your wet hands with baking soda, just as if it were soap, then rinse in warm water. Your hands will smell sweet, and feel softer, too.

3. Make a rainy day toy for the kids-- Kids stuck inside with nothing to do? Boil 2 cups of baking soda and 1 cup cornstarch and 1 1/2 cups water until thickened. Remove from the heat and cool. It makes a fun, pliable modeling clay that's good for the day.

I hope to see lots of link up's this week. Remember, you can post anything you've posted that relates to being frugal from the prior week....and the linky stays open all week until the next one goes up.


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