
Friday, March 15, 2013

Frugal Friday With Marsha--Linky Party

This has been my go go go, and go some more week!  It doesn't stop until Saturday is over.

My middle daughter recently moved to a town about 30 minutes from our house.  She has been reading up on making a compost pile.  She told me she had started a compost box.  I figured it was for their house, since they did ask the landlord if they could put in a small garden.  Nope, she sent the box of foods and such home with me one of the days that I went to take her to her OB appts.     I got it all mixed in with what was already in my pile as well as added some more dirt and some of the dried weeds from my garden area.    I'm still not having any luck getting the pile to compost, but I am trying!

We didn't grocery shop this week at all except to buy a couple gallons of milk and our Dr. Pepper that was on sale and that I had coupons for.  
We had taken our moms out last Friday evening (which isn't frugal--I may need to break down and start serving them at our house again to save money)  We also had a fundraising supper at our church Saturday evening.   The rest of the week though, we were able to eat well still from my stockpile from previous shopping.

I want to remind you of the 2 giveaways I currently have going:

Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Cleanser Review, Sweepstakes and Giveaway!

History Channel's The Bible Series--Including Companion Book Giveaway!

They both end Sunday night at 11:59 EST and both have very low entries!   Free is frugal.  I will be having more giveaways coming soon.

Time to link up for the week!




  1. Hi Marsha, I went to add the link to my homemade laundry soap but posted wrong link that I had copied from my gather post. Sorry bout that.

    Thanks for hosting a link up party!

    And ps. I always heard to try and cover your compost pile up with a tarp and spray it once a week with water to help it get going.

  2. Hi Marsha, saw your link in our fb group. Linking up a frugal cleaner. Also a new gfc follower, hope you can stop by and follow back. smiles.
