
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

WIP Wednesday --Blue and Brown

Disgruntled as usual that I'm not getting in near the sewing/crafting time that I would like to have.  Such is life as I do have so many things online to do plus I do actually have a life away from the computer--yes, believe it or not!  LOL

I had a request this week for a yo-yo table runner made in blue and browns.  I've been trying to work on getting those yo-yo's made.  It is nice that I can work on them while clicking here on the computer.  I also took them with me when I took my daughter to the doctor.

Unfortunately, this is all I've worked on this week.  Well, that is after I finished the Queen Elsa crocheted doll for my previous review post.  I still need to get Princess Anna done before June.

Also unfortunately, I doubt I get any more orange done for the soscrappy blog challenge this month.

I'm not adding the blue and brown table runner to my UFO list since it's a request, but as you can see, my UFO list is not getting any shorter.


Rectangle quilt
challenge wall hanging
Hexagon quilt
Emerald Island Fusique table runner
Five and Dime quilt
Brown half square triangle table runner
3 sets of doll blanket, pillows, bed and rug--plus more to sell
Wall hanging for quilt guild
yo-yo's that need to be made into projects
black and white rail fence quilt
Arkansas Crossroads scrap quilt
T-shirt latchhook rug
Rainbow colored locker hook rug
T-shirt toothbrush rug
Charming Stars quilt
Special crocheted prayer shawl
Fall Squares table topper

2016 Finishes:
Smaller pink 4 patch quilt for charity
Pink 4 patch quilt for charity
Hexagon flower table runner

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIPs on Wednesdays

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