
Friday, June 19, 2015

Frugal Friday with Marsha -- Week in Review


I intend from now on for my Frugal Friday posts to be a week in review.  This will encourage me to really be watching for the things that I do, even the little things.  Hopefully it will not only motivate me, but others as well.

I can't say that we've had a frugal week this past week.   Hubby took it upon himself to go grocery shopping and spent close to $100.  Sigh....he obviously didn't understand the deal.  The deal being that he is to not spend any money outside of paying the bills and keeping gas in his truck.
He's not even supposed to be willy nilly spending on food and drinks while working.
As I said, he did not keep up his end of the deal, and, I've been pretty upset with him all week!

Don't think that I am not appreciative of the groceries that he bought...and not only bought, but did most of the cooking all week as well.  However, what he bought was: 3 packs of hot dogs, large can of pork and beans, large tub of potato salad, gallon of milk, box of Lucky Charms, 3 dozen eggs, 2 packages of bacon, pound roll of sausage and quite a lot of 2 ltrs or Dr.Pepper.
I think you will see the theme that we've had a lot of breakfast meals all week.  Not complaining there either really since that is my favorite meal foods.
And, my complaint is that he shopped BEFORE paying bills to see if that money he spent was really spendable money.

I have once again not been keeping up with my coupons.  In fact, I owe my friend for at least 3 weeks worth on insert orders.  Money is an issue....I don't have the money to go pick up my coupons and pay her!   It does no good whatsoever to pay for extra coupons and then not keep them cut and organized and actually use them!  I will be contacting her to get them picked up.
I did a review this past week of The Gnome Project, which talks about the importance of regular routine.  Starting today, not only is working on sewing/crafts each day, working on coupons is also going to be a daily must for me!

I hope to have a nice list for you to read next week.  In the meantime, please do link up some frugal/money saving/DIY type posts and motivate me to keep going.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

WIP Wednesday 6/17/15

Let's talk first about the light blue for the soscrappy blog rainbow challenge.
At least I did get my blues out and have them strung together in 2's towards making them in to 4 patches.  I really doubt that I get past this however with the quilt show so close and me not getting near close to being done with what I hope to enter.

Now about my fractured pineapple quilt....
I managed to get one more row on at sit n' sew Friday night.  I messed up one block that I have to play rip it on because my back piece wasn't large enough.
Sadly, I discovered that I am missing one of my blocks.  I've looked and looked for it and am finding it nowhere.
I won't hurry to make another one until I absolutely have to to finish it!  You know, in hopes that it will turn up somewhere.  Cross your fingers for me as it takes a couple hours just to make one block!
I'm doubting myself to begin with on whether I can get this done in time for the quilt show.
I'm thinking I need to get out my other stuff, then if I have time to finish this one.....too many choices and not the sewing time that I should be taking.


Rectangle quilt
challenge wall hanging
GoodNight Irene quilt/wall hanging
Emerald Island Fusique table runner
Five and Dime quilt
Fractured Pineapple quilt
Charming Stars quilt
Brown half square triangle quilt
5 sets of doll blanket, pillows and rug
Hexagon flower table runner
Wall hanging for quilt guild
Challenge quilt for quilt guild
multiple hexagons that I need to make into projects
yo-yo's that need to be made into projects

2015 Finishes:

Locker Hook Rug
re-do binding on blue and peach patchwork
9 lined fabric bags
yellow crazy quilt lined bag
Pink hexagon table topper
Blue hexagon table topper
Yo-Yo Table runner

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedWIPs on Wednesdays
RSC 15

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Gnome Project by Jessica Peill-Meininghaus

The Gnome Project--One Woman's Wild and Woolly Adventure is written by Jessica Peill-Meininghaus and is about her journey to figure out how to have follow-through in life.

She had issues with starting things, and not finishing them.  Boy, do I know all about that!
In fact, right at the beginning of the book struck a cord with me.  Pages 8 and 9 tell the story of my life.
Jessica has a friend whose home is always nice and tidy. One day she broke down and asked her friend just how she does it.  Her friend told her that she simply chooses a day each week for the bigger chores, she makes her bed every morning, smooths the couch blankets every time she walks by, never goes to bed until the dishes and kitchen are clean etc.
I wish I could tell you that I started doing the same, but alas, all I got into a routine of SO FAR is straightening the blankets on the couch every time I walk by it.

Life is all about routines and Jessica decided that her daily routine would be to felt a Gnome every day of the year.  She missed a day here and there being sick or just too worn out and chided herself for it. Over the course of the year she learned not to do that.
The Gnomes soon became a part of her life, the normal amongst the chaos of raising her 4 children alone as the family moved across the country and her husband had to stay behind until his job allowed him to also make the move.
The rest of a routine life followed naturally once she had established just the one routine.

The book is delightful.  It's full of pictures of the Gnomes she made throughout the year, all in cute poses.  The end of the book is over 30 pages with step by step instruction and illustrations on how to felt Gnomes.
The lessons she learned and shared in the book about the importance of routine in life are priceless.

I know that I feel better when I am crafting daily, then I get in a slump and don't work on anything for a week or more.   I took a lot from the book, a lot more than just crafting daily.   However, starting today, I am going to make crafting my definite routine in my life and just as it happened for Jessica, the rest will follow.

If interested, you can check out Jessica's blog here.  She blogged about her Gnomes and still does as well as also give workshops and much more.