
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sweeten the Day with Valentine's PEEPS

Today I would like to introduce you to the Valentine's Day line of PEEPS!

Strawberries, Cherries and Chocolate can always be improved with marshmallows! Valentine’s Day will be here and what better way to show your loved one that you care then with some adorable and fun PEEPS® marshmallow candies. Your Valentine’s heart will flutter since PEEPS® are low in calories, gluten-free and come in a variety of flavors. PEEPS® Valentine’s Day treats can serve as a token of affection for your loved ones or adorable accents to baked good for your sweetheart. Try one or all of the seasonal varieties and express your PEEPSONALITY®!
PEEPS® Valentine’s offerings include:
  • Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Crème Flavored Chicks (3 ct)
  • Chocolate Mousse Flavored Marshmallow Bears (6 ct)
  • Cherries Drizzled and Dipped in Chocolate (3 ct)
  • Marshmallow Hearts (2 and 6 ct)
  • Chocolate (milk or dark) Covered Raspberry Flavored Hearts (individually wrapped)
  • Strawberry Crème Flavored Marshmallow Hearts (9 ct)
  • Vanilla Crème Flavored Marshmallow Hearts (9 ct)
  • Sugar-Free Marshmallow Hearts (3ct) 

My favorite flavor in about anything is Vanilla.  These PEEPS Vanilla Creme Flavored Marshmallow Hearts spelled heavenly as soon as I opened the package.  The taste matched the aroma.
Suggested retail price is from $1.49 to $1.69.

 My husband can't have sugar so I was glad to see these PEEPS Sugar-Free Marshmallow Hearts in the collection.  It didn't take hubby long to down a whole package.  He defended himself by telling me that the package says that the whole package is one serving.
Suggested retail price is from $1.49 to $1.69

The PEEPS Strawberry Creme Flavored Marshmallow Hearts proved to be the favorites of my grandchildren.  They are pretty tasty.
Eat them alone or used them to accent a craft or a favorite recipe.
Suggested retail price is $1.49 to $1.69

I like marshmallows, but I love my chocolate too.  These PEEPS Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Creme Flavored Chicks come dipped in dark or milk chocolate.   Ours were with the dark chocolate and were oh so good.
(You can also find the New PEEPS Cherries Drizzled and Dipped in Chocolate, which are cherry shaped and flavored marshmallows)
Suggested retail price of both types is $1.89 to $2.29.

These PEEPS Chocolate Covered Raspberry Flavored Hearts proved to be my favorite of all.  They come covered in either dark chocolate or milk chocolate.  Either variety will do for me!
Suggested retail price is $0.79 to $0.99.

Love the original PEEPS?  Then you will enjoy the PEEPS Marshmallow Hearts.
They come in 2 packs with a suggested retail price of $0.79 to $0.99 or in the 6 pack shown here with a suggested retail price of $1.49 to $1.69.

I hope you have enjoyed today's PEEPS tour.  Is your mouth watering for these fine treats?
These celebratory treats can be found nationwide at grocery and drug stores, PEEPS & Company retail stores or at

Disclosure:  I was sent samples and a fact sheet for the purpose of this post.  I was not compensated in any other way and as always, all opinions are my own.  All photos were taken by me.

Friday, January 24, 2014

BioElixia is Hosting a Fun Valentine's Day Contest!

The most romantic holiday of the year can often inspire some equally passionate gifts like a surprise vacation to a tropical island, a couples massage or even a marriage proposal! On the other hand, as most women know, men can sometimes drop the ball in the romance department – thus leaving us with more interesting gifts like edible panties or cleaning supplies for your home.
If any of these gifts sound familiar, BioElixia wants to hear about it! To enter, comment on this Facebook post sharing your most cherished, unforgettable, or just plain STRANGE Valentine’s Day gift to win a 6 Month Supply of BioElixia’s latest BodyShaper offerings! 

 Enter to win and good luck!

Frugal Friday with Marsha --Lean Body Fat Wallet Chapter 10 Part 3

Excerpt from:
Lean Body Fat Wallet
Discover the Powerful Connection to Help You
Lose Weight, Dump Debt, and Save Money
By Danna Demetre and Ellie Kay
(Thomas Nelson – Dec. 10, 2013)

Part 2:

Frugal Friday with Marsha --Lean Body Fat Wallet Chapter 10 Part 2


pgs 180-183:

One of the main reasons people have problems making ends meet is that they haven’t learned the joy of giving. If you are tight with your money, then you tend to hold your funds with clenched fists rather than open hands. Your finances become stagnant, and you miss out on the freedom that comes with opening your heart (and your wallet) to others in need. This kind of giving is known as the tithe, because 10 percent (tithe means one-tenth) is the goal. But we have to start somewhere, and we can begin to teach our kids through simple actions.

Give. Teach them to give to nonprofit organizations or your church or synagogue, and let them observe your example.
Gather. Pull out groceries from your pantry and take them to a local food pantry.
Give Again. Collect outgrown clothing and toys to donate to a nonprofit thrift shop or homeless shelter.
Gain. By sponsoring a needy child, your child will gain perspective about how good we have it in the Western world. Sponsor a child from,, or a similar organization, and post the child’s photo on the refrigerator.
Give Some More. Bake and share goodies with their teachers, your neighbors, a postal worker, the local fire station, or a single parent family.

When you make something fun, most children want to participate. What a great way to learn the In and Out Habit! We started making budgeting fun with our kids by creating fun kid budgets and establishing boundaries when we went out as a family. Keep in mind that in all the following categories, you are spending money in these areas anyway—it’s your money. However, you can train your children as to how the money is allocated, and then it has the potential to become their money. Since these areas are budgeted, and since you are giving them a chance to come in under budget (and pocket the difference), it costs you nothing other than the time it takes to train them in this kind of money management.

Restaurant Fun. The next time you eat out, put your kids on a “budget” for their meal. Make it realistic with a little wiggle room. Have them budget for the entrée, drink, and dessert (you’ll get the tip) and whatever they don’t spend through their own choices (e.g., drinking water or foregoing a dessert) they get to keep, but they have to eat something and not just keep the money!
School Supplies. Figure the amount you would spend on these supplies per semester, and allow your child to spend from this budget and keep whatever is left over. It’s amazing how few mechanical pencils they lose and how much better they take care of their backpacks!
Amusement Parks and Zoos. When you take a family outing to one of these places, set up a budget for each child that includes admission fees, food, drinks, and souvenirs. They will be surprised at how quickly the money goes, especially through the admission fees!
Clothing Budget. As your children become teens, the budget list expands and can include all kinds of other options, such as clothing. You decide what you’ll budget on a semester’s worth of attire, and whatever they don’t spend, they get to keep. We tell our kids, “We’ll pay for the item, and you pay for the brand name.” For example, we pay $35 for a pair of tennis shoes, but if they want shoes that cost $80, they pay the $45 difference with their allowance money.

I was talking to my husband over breakfast just this morning, and we were discussing an extended family member who never quite reached his potential. As we thought long and hard about what went wrong, I came to the conclusion, “He wasn’t taught a work ethic. He was pampered and coddled. His parents always bailed him out of trouble, and he never really learned to work for the things that matter in life.”
As parents, we can and should teach our kids a work ethic through jobs around the house and jobs outside the home as well. (pg. 183) As long as you are willing to supervise your children’s work, see to their safety when dealing with the public, and set boundaries that are appropriate for them, allowing kids to earn money outside the home can be a fun and worthwhile venture.
Here are some great ideas to help your kids raise their very own cash cow while enjoying the benefits of earning, saving, and sharing. For information on specific kinds of job descriptions, go to for the downloadable jobs with descriptions, safety parameters, and suggested fees they should charge. The jobs you download at this site are written for a child reader with an adult supervisor in mind. The main thing is that as parents you need to be prepared to ensure that your child’s job is safe and to maximize the teaching benefit of the work.

Stay tuned next week for part 4:  Chapter 10, Health

Disclosure: These book excerpts were sent to me to share with my audience by Nelson books. I was not compensated for sharing these other that receiving a copy of the book for review. Posts do contain my affiliate links.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Squidoo Hopping 1/23/14

How are things in squidoo for you?

I "know" many of the new contributors through online socializing.  I look forward to what many will share with us on this new adventure.

I had applied for yarn yarn yarn and then one other one, which I forget now what it even was.  I wasn't picked for either.  I also didn't realize from reading the email that there would only be one per title.
Some of the ones I am seeing I don't even remember seeing on the lists!

I'm ok with it, especially when I seen that each contributor had to make a get to know me page.  I will just enjoy what everyone else contributes and keep writing my lenses here and there.......when I get that motivation to do so!

I want to make another crafts as gifts lens.  I never got around to making one for 2013, so think I will title is 2013 and beyond.  I will have more book review lenses as I complete reading books.

I look forward to seeing what is shared this week.  Since I've once again done no updating or building, I am choosing to share 2 lenses that are towards the bottom of my lens list by ranking.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

WIP Wednesday 1/22/14

That saying about food where you say "my eyes were bigger than my stomach" is true for my sewing in that my brain always thinks I can get more done than I really can. 

I had hoped to get 2 strips on my log cabin blocks and then get those all squared up.  Not fast when I am doing 92 of the at a time. 
Here is where I ended last night:
I finished the machine quilting around all of my bunnies and this is the layout I have chosen to sew them together.
I have one row put together:
It's not going to be a very large quilt but it's going to make a great child's quilt or lap quilt for sure.

I had intended to make my other 3 blocks for the Goodnight Irene sew along but didn't get that far.
I also had intended to get my fabrics cut for our quilt guild work day on Monday.   I must get those done next to be ready for Monday.  Our community service project this year is making lined bags for the Domestic Violence Center.

I think I have done more sewing already in 2014 than I did all of 2013 and it's feeling great!

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedWIPs on Wednesdays

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Get Crafty with Borax and You Could Win $500!

Learn lots of cool crafting ideas using Borax and also be entered for a chance to win $500!
Click the picture above to be taken to the page with all of the information.

Find out about preserving your flowers, making your own ornaments and more!

Good luck and have fun!