
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WIP Wednesday 1/15/14

I have several projects going all at once, which is nothing unusual. What is unusual is that I have actually been working on all of them.

I joined the Goodnight Irene sew along with Terry's Treasures.  You can find the button on the right side bar and click to find out more.
I love that she is going slow with it.  Just 5 blocks each month for 5 month.  The 6th month is the border blocks and the 7th month is putting it together.
I only have 2 blocks done, but since I have all month, I'm not behind!

Yesterday was the monthly sewing club at church.  I am still working on this quilt that I am doing in quilt as you go.
I brought it home again, and again do hope to at least get the 3rd row put on of 7 before next month's meeting.

I am working on a total of 96 log cabin blocks.  I have found a pattern for a quilt with these scrappy log cabins.  I then have enough left over for 2 wall hangings.
Since taking this picture Monday night I have squared up the other 92 half square triangles for my middles and have one strip sewn onto some of those.

Last Wednesday in my needlers group I worked on my applique bunnies.  Today is Needlers group at the quilt shop.  I will be doing more work on the bunnies.  I have 3 more to embroider, but I think that today I will cut out my centers and backs.   I'm also going to put it together in the quilt as you go way.   I didn't take a picture last week since it's about the same as previous pictures.  I will probably take a picture after I work on them today.

I keep finding myself moving my sewing machine, cutting mat and ironing board into the kitchen or living room.  What I really need to do is get my craft room cleaned up so that I can work in there again.
I didn't get anymore organizing done as far as putting projects in bags, but I have had that on my mind.

This week I am linking up with:
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedWIPs on Wednesdays



  1. Your blocks look great! Good for you working on so many things! :0)

  2. Love your Goodnight Irene blocks, as well as all of your projects.

  3. Great blocks...congrats on maintaining your focus on all your projects. Tell me about those disorganized craft room woes. Mine became a storage facility for the winter...looking forward to nice Spring weather to clean it all up...till then, like you, I'm moving between rooms LOL

  4. Wonderful blocks!!.I enjoy working with several projects

  5. I too work on lots of projects at once. I sure like the ones you are working on!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to start the scrappy sew along any time! There will be a new one almost every month!

  6. These are gorgeous! SO SO impressed!

  7. I'd love to get into quilting, it's just finding the time to do it.

  8. I really like the last project (the Log Cabin blocks, I guess). I used to sew but never quilted. This makes me want to try!

  9. Your blocks look great as well as your other projects , especially love the log cabin blocks !

  10. Wow, you are working on many projects! I'm also joining Terry's sew-along. Can't wait to watch your progress.

  11. I've also taken on three projects this year including the Good night Irene sew along. Thank goodness they're all spread out each month. Your blocks look great! This sew along is such a nice way to use up scraps.

  12. You have a lot going on. Some beautiful quilts in progress. you go girl.
