
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Squidoo Hopping 1/30/14

I'm pretty ashamed......
I was linking up with Nonersays this week and decided I should go in and change the how many day until Halloween on my Visit a Kansas Pumpkin Patch lens.  OMG!   It was still set for 2012, so I never even changed it last year.  Sheesh!

Also while there I seen that one of the zazzle items was only showing the coding.  It was within the google maps module.   I first thought that the t-shirt wasn't being sold anymore. I went to zazzle and searched and found a cute postcard invitation that I thought I would put in there instead.
Nope....only the code showed up again.  I am guessing that we can no longer put anything else in with the google maps least not html.

I liked the post card so well that I did change out what was in the guestbook for it.  I'm adding this lens to the linky along with another one from about the middle of my lensrank.

I really do want (more like need) to get busy on working on lenses!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marsha! I actually tore myself away from publishing Squidoo lenses in order to write a blog article today, yay! Linking up with you through my FF post this week and will share a lens link or two also. Thank you!
