
Friday, November 8, 2013

Frugal Friday WIth Marsha--Linky Party 11/8/13

I can't believe how fast this week has gone by!

How many of you have watched the show Extreme Cheapskates on TLC?

I sat the other night and watched a few episodes.  Wow is all I have to say.  No, that's not all I have to say.

There are some great ideas to be taken from the show.  For example:
*Making good use of leftover food. 
*Saving on funeral costs.
*Tracking your uses of water, gas and electricity.
*Finding alternative ways to heat water and cook your food.
*Shopping thrift stores, pawn shops, craigslist, etc.
*"Dumpster Diving" for items you need (I once carpeted my whole house this way)
*Entering contests and giveaways.
*Being creative in finding venues for hosting parties. (We used our church basement for my daughter's 16th birthday)
*Free samples for things you use every day.
*Making homemade items--cleaners, laundry soap, jellies, etc.

Then there are the ideas that are even too over the top for this frugal chick:
*Sharing a toothbrush---omg, use a coupon and a sale and get them free!
*The entire family using the same bath water--I love my family, but eewwww
*Using newspaper for toilet paper---won't that leave newsprint on your bottom?
*Going to a buffet restaurant, paying for 3 and feeding 6?---what restaurant would even allow this?
*"Dumpster Diving" for food----I'm in the middle on this one.  When I worked as a lunch aide, I often took home milk from the dumpster.  For some reason the guy who delivered milk would dump the about to expire into our dumpster.  Of course we took it out as soon as he drove off and put it in the fridge.  And, if it's food in a package, unopened, I would take it too.
*Stalking weddings to pick up the rice, then go home and cook it.
*Using a lantern rather than turning on the light.----This can make sense if it's an oil lamp or something that doesn't take batteries.  On the episode I seen this, it appeared her lamp was battery powered as she turned it off with a switch.  I can't see this as any huge savings since there is the cost of the batteries (Even though, again, with coupons and sales, you can get good deals on batteries)

These really are just a few examples from the shows.  What are your thoughts?

Now it's your turn to link up any frugal type posts you have done this week too  :)


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday's Squidoo Hop is Back!

I am back!
I have let my blogging here slide for months.  In fact, I have let Squidoo slide for months as well.

It was when I hit upon the email about re-applying for Giant Squid that prompted me to get back into my lenses.  I seen that email days after it came in while attempting to catch up on my email.

I am behind on doing reviews and have a stack of books beside me to do.  Why not make them into lenses and re-apply for Giant?

Here's me story.  First of all, I was confused.  Tons of modules have just disappeared.  Most of them I wouldn't miss as I never did use them at all.  I did miss text with big picture.   With help from members of one of the squidoo facebook groups I am in, I was able to find me answers.  Thanks!

However, it wasn't until I only had one more module to fill in on my book review that a member of the group chimed in to ask me if I realized that I needed to use the review format to build the lens.  Nope....I didn't.   Looks like I still need to do 3 review lenses, but that's ok.

I also read in a bubblews post yesterday by sandyspider that to re-apply we also have the option of using the new recipe format or DIY format.   I have done some craft posts on bubblews where I did step by step how to do make something, with photos......would it be acceptable to take those and also make them into lenses?  It would be duplicate content for the most part, eve if I do some re-arranging and re-wording.      
I think I have posted all of the recipes that I can think of into lenses already.  Maybe I could take one of my recipes from my frugal lens and highlight it into a lens.
I will figure something out.

Let's get on to sharing!!!  If you have done a blog post about squidoo, please link those up.  Also link up one or two of your lenses.  Your choice on lenses to link, but if you have used any of the 3 new formats, please do link those up.  I want to see what they look like.   Thanks!!

p.s.   Nonersays (Winona) does a weekly blog with a linky for squidoo as well.  She does hers on Sunday's.  This means even more exposure for our lenses.   You can find her blog HERE!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

WIP Wednesday 11/6/13

Getting back to my regular posting means that once again I will be posting a WIP (work in progress) Wednesday post each week, and linking up with other blogs.

I've missed doing these posts over the past several months.  I've also missed the motivation that doing these posts provide.

I want to start by sharing the toothbrush rug that I just finished on Monday.  I made this one from a bag of selvage strips and other thin strips of fabric.  The bag was given to me by the Quilt Guild president because she knew I made the rugs.   I will say that I don't plan on making another rug with strips this thin.  They were a lot harder to work with.
I have started another toothbrush rug last night.  This one is an experiment of such as well.  I cut up an entire sheet set and I am curious as to how large of a rug the sheet set will make.
You can't see it very well in the picture as I put it inside the bag with all of the strips.

 Last month at Quilt Guild we had an afternoon workshop taught by Candy Hargrove.  She was teaching us to make mini Log Cabin blocks.  What fun!
The biggest thing that I took away from the workshop was squaring up.  I have made many many quilts and have never owned one of those squaring up tools!  I've always used my cutting mat.  In fact, when she said the words squaring up, I didn't know what she meant.
I can't believe I've been quilting for 4 or 5 years at least and didn't really know.
That is exactly why I love the opportunity to attend workshops.

The strips for the tiny log cabins were supposed to be 1 inch.  I didn't realize that my cutter on the edge was actually 1 1/4 inch, so my strips are a bit larger than intended, therefore my blocks are ending up 6 1/2 inches instead of 4 1/2 inches, but I am going to keep going with them.
I do want to make the smaller ones next.

Here is what I have so far:
 What I really want to do is get into my craft room and get my projects together is PIGS (Projects in grocery sacks)  I want a bag for each project that I would like to be working on.

My guild is having a retreat in June.  It will be my first retreat and I can't wait!  It's going to be local so no out of town or motel.  We will sew on a Friday from 9 am to 11 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm.  Our meals will be catered in and there will be lots of door prizes.

p.s.  I am doing a lot of writing over on bubblews.  One series that I am working on is a challenge for A to Z Crafts.   If you are interested, you can check out my index of what crafts I have done so far.  I am trying to do most of them with step by step instructions and photos.
Index to my A to Z Craft Challenge Posts - News - Bubblews 

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced WIPs on Wednesdays