
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Cleanser Review, Sweepstakes and Giveaway!

First let's talk about

The Soft Scrub One Surface at A Time Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes is open to residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older only and ends March 22, 2013.  
Prizes include a grand prize of  $1000 and a 1 year supply of Soft Scrub coupons and 250 winners of a free coupon for Soft Scrub.
Enter today  :)

My review:

I am totally in love with the Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Cleanser 
I have bad elbows, wrists and shoulders, so it's very hard for me to put any "elbow grease" into cleaning.   With the Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Cleanser I did not have to scrub at all.   I squirted a bit on the stove:

 I got my rag and just started wiping.  Amazing how easily the grease and grime came off of my stove.  I've had stuff stuck on the black parts that I wasn't able to even get off with a metal scrubber.  It all came right off with the Soft Scrub.

Yes!  I will be buying more!

Here is the stove after:

Now on to the giveaway!
Three (3) lucky blog readers will win a free coupon for ANY Soft Scrub product up to $3.39 and have their chance to try this amazing product.  Just enter using the rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Soft Scrub provided me with a bottle of Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Cleanser for the purpose of this post and review. Coupons for winners are also provided by Soft Scrub. I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions are my own.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Morning Star Farms Burgers--Review #GotItFree

When the Morning Star Veggie Burger campaign came up with, I looked forward to taking part. Although we are not vegetarians here, I have always wanted to know what the burgers tasted like.

My kit contained a coupon for a free box for the purpose of me trying them and spreading the word. I chose Spicy Black Bean burgers.

As I said, we are not vegetarians, in fact, my husband is a real "meat and potatoes" man. When I showed him the box of veggie burgers, he actually rolled his eyes at me.
I procrastinated on actually trying them due to him giving me that look every time I brought them up.

Finally one night I didn't say anything, I just proceeded to cook them. The Morningstar Farms burgers are really easy and quick to fix---just a few minutes on each side and they are done.
I started cooking them and soon hubby was in the kitchen to see what I was cooking that smelled so good! I told him the veggie burgers and he didn't argue, just said how good they smelled.

Here are a couple of photos I took--one of hubby fixing his spicy black bean burger up and the other of my daughter getting ready to eat hers.

There were 3 of us eating and 4 burgers in the box. I let hubby and my daughter "fight" over who got the second one. My daughter won. I'm really glad that I chose the Spicy Black Bean variety. There were actually whole black beans and whole kernels of corn in each one. With 11 grams of protein per serving, they are a great source!

Will we try any of the other flavors? I think my daughter and I will, but we won't push it on hubby :)

Disclaimer: I rec'd a free coupon from to try Morning Star Farms. I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions are my own.

Squidoo Hopping--March In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

Here it is the first Thursday in March.  So far here in Kansas, March has come in like a lion with winds that are still keeping the temps down.  Since Easter is March 31, I do hope it goes out like a lamb as the saying goes.  :)

I thought it would be fun for this week's theme to be March.  Link up 1 or 2 of your lenses that have anything to do with March, whether it's a day, a holiday, and event, about Spring, etc.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WIP Wednesday 3/6/13

It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything---so long that I don't remember what I last posted!  Ok, I went and looked and it's been a full month since I've actually done a WIP Wednesday post!  I have been taking photos throughout the weeks though with good intentions of doing a post, so let's play catch up this week for the past month!

 This is my challenge quilt progress for guild so far.  I am ready for the top stitching.

February's sewing club meeting at church.  I have no finally finished all of the half square triangles for the quilt top.  We meet again next week so hopefully I can get a lot of the blocks put together for my new photo.

Last post I linked to my before photos, but this is my craft room now.  Yes, I do still have 2 totes and 2 boxes to go through....the shelf in the last photo I didn't do anything with, as well as the shelves on the wall.  However, it's so much more pleasant to go into my room now and actually work.

Lastly, I've been working like crazy when I can crocheting cotton bath puffs.  15 of them are for an order, then I will start posting them in my etsy shop.  I took this photo a couple of days ago, so I have completed a few more since then.  Crocheting these is mostly my late night work.

Hopefully I can find the time to get a lot done this week.  It's been crazy with 2 winter storms and moving my middle daughter and her family from one town to our house, and then 5 days later to another town!

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced