
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WIP Wednesday 3/6/13

It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything---so long that I don't remember what I last posted!  Ok, I went and looked and it's been a full month since I've actually done a WIP Wednesday post!  I have been taking photos throughout the weeks though with good intentions of doing a post, so let's play catch up this week for the past month!

 This is my challenge quilt progress for guild so far.  I am ready for the top stitching.

February's sewing club meeting at church.  I have no finally finished all of the half square triangles for the quilt top.  We meet again next week so hopefully I can get a lot of the blocks put together for my new photo.

Last post I linked to my before photos, but this is my craft room now.  Yes, I do still have 2 totes and 2 boxes to go through....the shelf in the last photo I didn't do anything with, as well as the shelves on the wall.  However, it's so much more pleasant to go into my room now and actually work.

Lastly, I've been working like crazy when I can crocheting cotton bath puffs.  15 of them are for an order, then I will start posting them in my etsy shop.  I took this photo a couple of days ago, so I have completed a few more since then.  Crocheting these is mostly my late night work.

Hopefully I can find the time to get a lot done this week.  It's been crazy with 2 winter storms and moving my middle daughter and her family from one town to our house, and then 5 days later to another town!

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


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