
Friday, January 11, 2013

Frugal Friday With Marsha (linky included)

How has your week been?   I'm still doing pretty well with my goals.  I've been able to at least put a few things in their proper places every day.  It's a nice feeling as I look around and the house is looking a little better each day.

My mom thinks that if you are poor you think you need to surround yourself with stuff to make yourself feeler richer.  I honestly don't believe that at all.  (She's justifying herself because she's a hoarder  LOL)  I know that I will feel much richer (and saner) when everything has a place and everything is in that place....and excess is gone. My saying is less is more.

I was able to make a couple of good coupon shopping trips this past week.  I averaged savings of  72%.   Here is a photo of one of the trips where I spent $20.24---had a coupon savings of $51.99 and a savings of 79%:

Lastly today I am sharing ways to use shaving cream from the 99 Cent Solutions book:
1.   Shave away the stain.  This works for fresh stains on your carpet.  Blot up as much as you can then shoot the stain with  a blob of non-gel shaving cream.  Wipe the shaving cream and the stain away with a damp sponge or cloth.

2.  Color be gone.  Spray shaving cream on crayon markings on your wall.  Scrub it off with a toothbrush or scrub brush.

3.  Stop soap scum.  Spray shaving cream onto your glass shower doors, then wipe it off with a dry cloth.  As a bonus, the thin film created will prevent the doors from fogging over too.

4.  Cut through the fog.  Occasionally clean your glasses with white foamy shave cream.  The thin film will repel water and fog.  This will work on your cars windshield too.

5.  Still with your glasses--if you accidentally spray your glasses with hairspray, just rub the lenses and frames with shave cream and wipe is all off with a clean cloth.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Squidoo Hopping--Destinations

This week, let's share 1 or 2 of our lenses that are destinations.  Your home town, vacation spots, special attractions, events, etc.  These lenses are always fun and educational for me to look at.  For the most part it's my only chance to see these places, attractions and events.

Please also share any squidoo related blog posts you have done this past week as well.  Thanks!!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WIP Wednesday--Rug and Coasters

That's about all I've worked on since the 1st of the year-----a toothbrush rug that I had started months ago.   I am getting pretty close now to getting it finished and itching to get my materials sorted to start another one.
This one is made with flannel strips.
The other thing is coasters.  I found in my stash this huge ball of yarn.  I mean huge!   My first thought was to make hot pads with matching coasters, but then I thought maybe the sparkly type yarn just wouldn't do well for hot pads.  I decided that instead I would make as many coasters as I can out of it.  I have quite the stash of plastic canvas sheets, so this should go well.  
I have one set listed in my etsy shop, but will have these listed in sets of 4, 6 and 8.
I have 8 of them made so far:
I have a load of different projects that I want to get started on as well as still quite a lot of UFO's waiting to be finished.  Nothing new here!

Yesterday was sewing club at church.  I have all of the smaller squares finished now.  If I don't start finding at least a little time each week to work on this quilt at home it's going to take me well over a year just to get the top done.
I have been blessed in the past month or so with gifts of fabric.   One gal who works at the quilt shop has given me 3 bags of fabric.  Then the quilt shop gave me all of the fabric shown in the photo below.  A man donated it to the shop--his wife has passed away and it was hers.  How nice of him, but the quilt shop doesn't work with things like this, so they thought of me.  Part of what you see in the photo will be made in to pillow cases to be given to the foster care agency.  I'm sure some will be made into quilts for church.  I have plans of making doll quilts with the tin of 2 inch squares.
What will next week bring?  For one thing, it's brings a week of vacation for my husband.  We only plan a 1 day trip this vacation.

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Homeschool Journal--Getting Back In The Swing of Things

We had a good day yesterday getting back in to the swing of schoolwork.  It was actually nice after taking over 2 weeks off.
We started the day with devotions from the Guideposts book.  We moved on to Kansas History reading trading cards of famous Kansans that I had picked up at the state fair this past year.  Then it was Earth Science from the text.  We will be finishing the text up, hopefully before the end of March.  From there we learned about and calculated simple interest in the Understanding Investment and the Stock Market workbook.  She did a workbook page in her Vocabulary Enhancement workbook, and we can't forget exercising with the Wii.

I am glad that we did invest the money in buying the Wii.  Jasmine is sticking with using it for exercise and enjoying it.  

I took a video this past Saturday evening when we had 4 grandchildren overnight.  They were having a blast!

Today is my monthly sewing club at church.  After the usual Bible study upstairs at church, Jasmine will come down, have lunch and then get busy on the various workbooks that remain in the van.  They remain there since we do end up out and about a lot.  This way she can keep on working.  It works for us!   Do you do anything like this as well?

I am linking up with:
 Hip Homeschool Hop Button