
Friday, December 7, 2012

Frugal Friday With Marsha (linky Included)

Is everyone about ready for Christmas?
I only have a couple more gifts to buy and then I am done shopping.  I've gotten some pretty good deals on gifts using coupons.  I bought 2 Monopoly Millionaire games using $5 coupons.  One was bought also using a $2 Target coupon.
I also bought 2 Yahtzee games.  They ended up free after sale, coupons, and rebate.

I finally got started making the crochet topped towels for all the women on my list.  I bought the towels last year after Christmas for 50% off.  I didn't know you only use half of a towel for each one you make, so I will end up with double.  I am using some yarn out of my daughter's stash, but I will give her a couple of dollars for using it.

I still need to buy the ingredients for the mens gifts.  I plan to make home made hot cocoa mix, which will  be bagged up and put inside coffee mugs. (the mugs I also bought for 50% off after Christmas last year.)  I am highly considering buying boxes of hot chocolate packets though as that is much more economical.  Not as good, but a lot cheaper.   

We also purchased our Christmas cards and wrapping paper half price last year.  I hope we have some extra $$ this year to do the same.

This from the 99 Cent Solutions book I am sharing way to use nail polish:
1.  Mark your keys.  Put a dot of colorful nail polish on your important keys.  One color for your house, one for your car etc.  This way you can easily identify them.

2.  Stop your costume jewelry from turning your skin green.  Just paint the inside of the jewelry with clear fingernail polish and that should do the trick.

3.  Cover up that scratch on your car.  Find a nail polish to match the color of your car and paint it in with nail polish.  It will look good as new.  You can remove it with polish remover if necessary.

4.  Tag your toothbrushes.  Paint the end of each person's toothbrush with a different color polish for easy identification.  Use their favorite color if you can.

Your turn!  Inspire me with your posts on saving money, being frugal, living green, simple living, etc.   P.S.  If you have posts of any sort about hand made/ home made items, please click over to my Handmade 2012  linky page and link up!  I want to see a LOT more there before 2012 is over.  Thanks!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Hand Made/Home Made

This week I am choosing Hand Made to be the theme for many reasons:
1.  I'm in the middle of making gifts myself.
2.  I want more ideas.
3.  I have a linky page here on my blog that is just for handmade posts. (I would love it if you would click over to the Handmade 2012 page and check it out and add to it!)

Don't worry, if you don't have any lenses about home made gifts and such, you are still welcome to choose 1 or 2 of your other lenses to link up.  And, as always, please link up any blog posts where you talk about squidoo as well.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday--I've Been Working!!

Good Wednesday to all.  I've been working pretty hard the last 2 weeks.  I bet I've done more sewing the last 2 weeks than I have the past few months.  It feels good.
I didn't do a post last least I don't think I did.  I think Wednesday got away from me.  I was to have an online party, but it ended up being cancelled. are some of the things that I am working on:

I have worked on my bunnies some on the go.  Not so much, but they are moving along.  I have 3 of 20 done.  There are 2 others in the photo that I have a start on.
 I decided to make all my Christmas sacks hand made this year.  I had my daughter help me work on them too.  I was one short, but they are all made now, and I've even started working on filling them.  I have fun with the bags.
I finally got around to starting on the crochet topped hand towels that I am making for gifts.  I stopped after one.  I've decided it's best to sew across the top with a nice stitch for extra strength.  I will be heading in to do that as soon as I am done with this post.
Last but not least, let's see what we can make out from all this stuff on my craft desk!!
I have a few baby bibs to finish up.  I am working on a special order of fabric bags.  I have a few more of the folded hot pads to complete.  And, I have 3 plastic bag holders to complete.  The plastic bag holders will be Christmas gifts.

I am now part of a stitch group through the quilt guild.  I look forward to that starting.  Anything that helps me to keep on stitching is so much fun for me.

I can't wait to look around and see what others are up to.   I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Monday, December 3, 2012

Newbury Wreath 24 Inch 50L Clear--Lightening Deal--Hurry! Ends at 2 PM CST

Get this

Newbury Wreath 24 Inch 50L Clear 

For just $25.74 before 2 pm CST, or when supplies run out.  They are going fast!  Better yet, they qualify for free shipping too!