
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Introducing New Purex Plus Oxi--$6000 Sweepstakes--and a Giveaway!

The latest and greatest liquid detergent from Purex is here! With three stain-fighting enzymes, Purex plus Oxi is the most powerful Purex detergent. Purex wants to give 1 lucky winner $1,000! There will also be 250 2nd place winners that will each win $25! 

Click HERE to enter now!

As a Purex Insider, I was sent a bottle of the New Purex plus Oxi to try out.     Purex has always been a household favorite for us, not only because  of how well it works, but because it's also inexpensive.

I was happy to give the plus Oxi a try.  I have stopped using bleach on my hubby's whites and the added power of the Oxi is great.   You can use it as a pretreater as well by putting it on the stained fabric, rubbing it in and letting it sit for 5 minutes, then wash as usual.  I didn't try this on the load I am sharing photos of, but will on the next load.

I have actually used almost the whole bottle already and can't wait to stock up on more of it.  Here are the before and after photos of my hubby's whites:

While you are here, here are to more sweepstakes that you will want to enter as well:

Scare Away Stains with Purex plus Oxi
Runs through 10/15-11/16

Save Big on Appliances + Win a Whirlpool Washer & Dryer from Purex
Runs through 10/15-11/9

And, that's not all!  I have free coupons for 3 of my lucky blog winners too!  If you would like a chance to win a free coupon for a bottle of Purex Plus Oxi and try it out for yourself, just enter using the rafflecopter form below.


Disclaimer: As a Purex Insider I was sent a bottle of Purex plus Oxi to try for the purpose of this post. Coupons were provided to me by Purex for my winners. I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, November 2, 2012

Frugal Friday With Marsha (Linky) 11/2/12

Welcome to Friday! I don't know about for the rest of you, but this week has flown by for me.

I've been working on my crafts around the busy time of Halloween. I've also been doing some coupon shopping. In fact, I even have a couple of photos to share with you this week. I'm not sure why I've not been sharing them here.

For this I spent $15.76.  I used a total of $42.69 in coupons (including the extra $15 off for the buy 10 sale) and I saved a total of 82%!

For these 10 items I spent $7.79.  I saved $11.80 in coupons (including the extra $5 off for the buy 10 sale).  I have a total savings of 71%.  That's not all though.  I also received a total of $7 in catalinas to use on a future shopping trip.

In October I have a total coupon savings of $343.11.   I thought this was my best coupon savings month this year, but looking back in my calendar I see that I saved $416.92 with coupons in July.

Now, let's move on to sharing from the 99 Cent Solutions book.  Last week I started sharing some of the many uses for hair spray.  This week I will finish up.  Hairspray is such a versatile item.

1.  Save your carpet.   If you spill nail polish on your carpet, take quick action with hair spray.  Spray the mess with water first, then some hair spray.  After a few squirts, the nail polish will get tacky and you can blot it off with a paper towel.

2.  Zap bugs.  Hair spray will kill most bugs just like a bug spray will.

3.  Fake Dye.  Pick a colored drink like Kool-Aid in a shade that fits your mood, sprinkle it over your hair, then moisten and hold it in place with hair spray.

4.  Fur fix.  A quick way to remove pet hair from your furniture is to spray a tissue with hair spray and then wipe.  The hair will stick to the tissue and you can just toss it into the trash.

5.  Preserve shoe polish.  After you polish your leather shoes, spray them lightly with hair spray.  The shine will last longer.

6.  Glue on glitter.  If you happen to be out of glue and your child needs glitter on that school project, just spray the surface with hair spray and the glitter will stick like magic.

7.  Chalk it up.  If you are making chalk lines for that home improvement project, don't let them get smudged.  Just spray them with hair spray.  Everything will easily wash away when you want it to, but until then it won't disappear.

8.  Custom wrap.  Coat a sheet or 2 of newspaper comics with hair spray.  The paper will then take on a nice sheen, and you will create a wrapped gift that is one-of-a-kind.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Purple Star Quest


With the current Purple Star quest, I thought it would be great if you would share 2 of your lenses that you believe are purple star quality.

I know we all have the lenses that we are the most proud of......along with the ones that we know need lots of improvements.

Share 1 or 2 of your lenses below that you would like a chance to get a purple star on.  Remembering to also share any blog posts you have done this past week relating to squidoo as well.

I received a new purple star on this lens:  Zombigami--The Perfect Gift for Zombie and Origami Fans     I'm so excited!  It's only my 3rd purple star!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WIP Wednesday--Workshop with Darcy Ashton

When does my life slow down to a slow crawl?  I am saying now, once Halloween is over, but just as before, it will be something else next that keeps me busy.

This past week I worked a lot on the granny squares, which I will talk more about later.  I cut strips for 2 more toothbrush rugs.  I finished a toothbrush rug that I started many months ago.
I cut out, or almost have them cut out, 5 baby bibs.

The last couple of days I've been getting treat bags made up for the trunk or treat at our church this evening.  I'm a Saline Ambassador so the bags are filled with a coloring sheet, 2 crayons, Kando wipes info sheet with coupon, Boogie Wipes sample with coupon, my business card and a Dum Dum pop.

Monday was our monthly quilt guild meeting.  Our guest speaker was Darcy Ashton.  I'm sure most of you quilters know who she is by her design books for hand applique.  In the afternoon I attended her workshop where she taught us her technique of hand applique.  She choose to have us all do the same bunny.  She is doing it and making lots of them into a quilt.  I do plan to do the same.  In fact, you know me, when I learn something new, that's all I really want to work on.  However, I am trying to be "good" and not really start too much in to it.
I do, however, want to get some materials cut and ready and into a ziplock bag that I will carry in my tote.  This is hand work so it can be on the go work.....something to pull out while I wait for others.
Here is what I got done with the one bunny before time was up for the workshop:
Now back to the granny a day 2012 challenge blanket.  I do have all of my granny squares made.  I'm itching to get the blanket done and on our bed, especially now with the cold nights.  What I have pictured today is my pile of granny squares, although I have 16 more in my craft room that I had put aside for the front of the matching pillow.  Next week I will have the photo of the blanket on the correct day.
Today I am linking up with:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pizza Hut Offers Spooktacular Specials This Halloween!

No tricks here, just treats. As one of the top five busiest pizza days of the year, Pizza Hut will make your fright night festivities great with two scary good deals. Pizza Hut Lover’s members can enjoy two large pizzas, with up to three toppings, for only $9 each.

Additionally, this year Pizza Hut is celebrating “Hallo-wing” with a spooky good deal on our wings. Whether your costume favors spicy flavors or mild, all sauced wings are available for 50 cents each.

Homeschool Journal 10/30/12

We are getting back into the swing of schoolwork. We had a great week last week.

We finished the book we were using for math review on the board. We are now using the board for yet another math review book. Math review is good for Jasmine!

I'm still working on writing down time for each subject, so I've not added any of that up yet to see just how many credits she does have for each subject. I really must get that done so that I know which ones we need to highly concentrate on.

I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to share this week. I'm going to have to get better at that!

Is everyone ready for Halloween? I've already taken the grandkids (and Jasmine) to 3 trunk or treats. We will have trunk or treat at our church tomorrow evening. We are in Kansas, and they say that the tropical storm will cause us to have higher temps right now. I feel and pray for those families in the path of the storms.
I am making up bags to hand out that include samples of the Boogie Wipes, coupons, a coloring page, 2 crayons and a Dum Dum pop. Hubby has his own bags of candy to hand out. Hopefully that green box shows up on my front porch today so that I can make up more bags.

Well, here's hoping for a more exciting report next week-----I am linking up with:
Hip Homeschool Hop Button