
Friday, July 27, 2012

TGIFF--Flowered Quilt is Done!

I almost can't believe it.  The flowered quilt is finally done, faults and all.  I intended for this one to be completed in February when I was privileged to have the chance to host the TGIFF linky here in my blog.

Ok, so most months the only work it got done on it was at the monthly sit n' sew at the quilt shop.  That was after I kind of got tired of working on it.

Also, I am taking part in my first sampler at the quilt shop.  This one is a 20 month sampler.  There are a couple of months when it's cancelled due to other things going on at the quilt shop, so the last square won't be handed out until February 2014.  That seems so so far away.
It's Every Barn Tells a Story.  The first block is the Ohio Star, and here is my completed block:
 I do look forward to each month learning how to make yet another block.


Frugal Friday Link Up--Uses for Baby Oil and Baby Powder

We had a reprieve from the triple digit temps yesterday.  It only got up to 96.  We even got a bit of rain Wednesday night.  That helps some with the water bill and is so much better for the garden and lawn.
Speaking of the water bill--ours is $98 this month!  My husband says--"What?!"  I say--"I told you awhile back that the kitchen sink drips."  Hopefully he will get that changed out soon now.  That difference in the bill for just one month will almost cover what the extra is on our bill.

Our garden looks horrible with tall grass, but it's still bee producing quite nicely.  I did use the last of the onions last night.  We had enough onions grow to use in 4 meals.  The tomatoes are a lot better this year too.   Even the bell peppers have been good.  I've been out pulling out, and cutting off the grass around the plants.  We did lose 2 tomatoes to rot because I didn't see them at the bottom of the plants.  I've been freezing cut tomatoes to use this winter in soups, stews, goulash and chili.

This week's share from the 99 Cent Solutions book are ways to use baby oil and baby powder.

Baby oil:
1.  Stop an earache.   Hold a bottle of baby oil under hot running water for about a minute to warm it.  Place a few drops of the heated baby oil into the affected ear canal to soothe away the pain.

2.  Improve your shoes.  Dab a few drops of baby oil on your leather shoes and rub it in with a soft cloth.  This will soften the leather as well as polish it.  Also use it on other leather and patent leather items such as belts and purses.  Be sure to wipe away any excess.

3.  Rip that band aid off.   Rub that bandage with a cotton ball soaked in baby oil before peeling it off.  Rub until thebandage easily comes off.

4.  Get rid of pain on your face and hands.  We all know that when we paint, we end up with splatters on our hands and face.  Just rub the areas with baby oil and it will come right off.  Wash your skin afterwards with soap and water.

Baby powder:
1.  Squash the squeak.  If your hardwood floors squeak and you can see gaps between the boards, you can fix the squeak with a dusting of baby powder.  Sprinkle on the baby powder, or use a squeeze ketchup bottle with with powder.  Place a towel over the boards and work the powder into the cracks with your foot.  Clean up the excess powder with a towel.  

2.  Baby your bulbs.  Put 3 tablespoons of medicated baby powder and five or six flower builbs in a plastic bag.  Seal and shake the bag.  Dusting the bulbs before planting them will keep rots and pests away.

3.  Clean your carpet overnight.  If you have carpet odor from pets, smoke, or rain, take the odor out with baby powder.  Use a flour sifter to spread the baby powder over your carpet.  Let it sit overnight, or a few hours.  Vacuum up the powder and the smells in the morning.

4.  Undo a not.  Have a knot in the chain of your favorite necklace?  Just cover the not with a light dusting of baby powder, then pry the knot apart with a straight pin.  Wash the powder off with a mild soap, rinse it, dry it and wear it!

My daughter uses baby powder in her hair.  It works just like the aerosol instant shampoos when we need to go somewhere and she doesn't have time to shampoo before we leave.

Your turn to share your frugal posts for the week!



Thursday, July 26, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Shares in Squidoo

Today I want to share with you lensmaster Ruthi's squidoo blog hop. It's called SIS Shares in Squidoo. Click the button to be taken to her page with the full information, but here is an excerpt on what it's all about:
SHARES IN SQUIDOO (SIS) is a blog hop for Lensmaster/Bloggers to share Squidoo lenses in their blog posts. Each Sunday, I will write up my blog post for the week for SIS and will provide a linky for you to submit your blog post link URL.


I have been slacking on getting my weekly blog post done for Ruth's hop.
This week, instead of posting lenses of your own in my linky, I ask that you link up 2 lenses by other lensmasters!
If you do blog about squidoo, please also link up your blog posts as well!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Tutorial: Earning on the Go

If you haven't joined in on the swagbucks craze, please use my referral code if you would :)
Search & Win

If you use the Swag Code SBISONTHEGO upon signup, you will still be rewarded with an additional 60 Swag Bucks on top of the normal 30 Swag Bucks -- a total of 90 Swag Bucks just for signing up. This promotion has also been extended. The SBISONTHEGO Swag Code is valid until Friday, August 3rd at 11:59 p.m. PT

WIP Wednesday--Let's Start with My Craft Room

Let's start with my WIP of getting my craft room back in to order.  It's in such disarray, it's no wonder I don't have the motivation to get in there and get some work done!
This picture only kind of shows one corner.  You can't see everything that is piled in the northwest corner of the room, or the bookshelves in the southeast corner that are covered with other stuff as well as have toys in front of them!
I've went to the garage and got out one large shelf unit.  I had bought it to use for garage sales.  Silly me, why didn't I put it in my craft room to begin with?
You can see in the photo (maybe) the 2 small cubby organizers I have bought and have got some things organized in to.
  Wish me luck that next week I can share a photo where you can see that I have made some progress in this room!
Moving on to some crafts now.   I have been knitting some knit kits  for Morehouse.  They sent them to me to do for a review.  The scarf went fast with the big needles.  The hat I've been working on here and there for over a week.  I'm not an avid knitter, and I'm not sure I've worked with needles as small as the ones for the hat before.  The hat and scarf will make a nice Christmas gift for someone.  I will have a full review on my blog once I have completed the projects.
 After working on this quilt at sit n sew at the quilt shop and for a a bit here at home, it's finally to the last stage.  I am sewing on the binding.  I hope to have it done to post for TGIFF this week.
 Last but not least are my granny squares for the Granny A Day 2012 challenge.  No picture of my blanket progress as I've not had time to put them on to the blanket.  This is day 207 of the challenge.  Hopefully next week I will have them on to my blanket.

Until next week!  I am linking up with the following blogs:
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Monday, July 23, 2012

Become a Julep Maven--Giveaway Included!

I have had the wonderful opportunity to give the Julep Maven program and products a try.

Here is a picture of the box I rec'd:
 Inside I found 3 nail polish colors:  Sizzling fuchsia creme, Bright lemon yellow creme, and Fresh cantaloupe melon creme.
I couldn't wait to give them a try.  Hhhmmmm what should I do?  I decided to use all 3 colors, and alternate them.
Yes, those are my real nails.   I also decided to do the same for my toes as well.  
I want to say---this is the BEST nail polish I have ever used!  Usually the polish is already wearing off the edges within 24 hours.  I've been wearing this for 2 weeks now and it's barely worn off the edges.  Absolutely incredible!  I have had lots of great comments on my fun nails over the past 2 weeks as well.

What is a Julep Maven you might ask?

For just $19.99 a month, receive at least $40 worth of hand-picked
Julep products in an exclusive gift-able Julep Maven Box.

20% off all purchases in the Julep Maven Boutique
Free shipping on all orders in the Maven Boutique
Extra discounts and bonus treats all year long
Easy exchanges and returns
No commitment. Skip any box and you won’t be charged that month. There’s no limit to the number of months you can skip. You can also cancel your account at any time. 

Be sure to enter below for your chance to win a Maven box--similar to the one I rec'd for the purpose of this review.   No obligation at all--winning the box does not sign you up for anything, it's just one lucky readers chance to get to try these great products!

However, I have a super special deal for my readers too!
Jump on over to 
Use the code MAVENINTRO     You will get your first box for just 1 penny!  Remember, you are never under any obligation.

I really want you to have a chance to try these awesome products!

Here is some other information you will want to know:
What makes Julep so special? For starters, all our nail colors are “4-free,” meaning they don’t contain the carcinogens formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, toluene or DBP. Testing on more than a million hands and feet in our own Julep Nail Parlors, we’ve developed a fabulous chip-resistant, long-lasting formula. Girlfriends swear by our exclusive flat brush with its micro-frayed brush hairs for flawless professional application.

After your introductory box, you’ll start receiving a Julep Maven Box each month, including:

  • At least $40 worth of customized products elegantly packaged in our exclusive giftable box
  • New, never-before-released colors and treatments sent FIRST to you, before anyone else
  • Past hits and cult favorites--the products our girlfriends can’t live without.
Your Maven subscription also comes with free shipping, 20% off all purchases in the Julep Maven Boutique and the peace of mind that comes with knowing there’s never any obligation to buy.

We’ll send an email previewing your upcoming Julep Maven Box on the 20th of each month. Like what you see? Do nothing and your box is on its way. Want to try a new style, send your box to a friend or skip the month? Just log into your account between the 20th and the 24th to submit your request.

Best of all, satisfaction is guaranteed. If you’re ever unhappy with your Julep Maven Box, email or call 1-877-651-3292 and we will personally take care of you!

Disclaimer:  I rec'd my introductory box free of charge as a Julep VIP Blogger for the purpose of this review and giveaway.  I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions are my own.

On to the giveaway!  Enter using the rafflecopter form below.    This giveaway is open to residents of the United States who are 18 years old or older.  Winner will be chosen using rafflecopter and will have 48 hours to contact me with their mailing information.  If not, another winner will be chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway