
Friday, December 28, 2012

Frugal Friday With Marsha 12/28/12

We have almost made it to the end of 2012.  I have several goals that I would like to accomplish in 2013.  Sadly, most of them are the same goals I have every year!  Hopefully this year I can have the stick-to-itive-ness to accomplish them.

Just one goal is to simplify our life.  The clutter around us is getting worse.  Less is more as they say, and it really is.

Today I want to talk about an app for your smartphone or tablet.  It's called ibotta.  I'm really excited about this one.  As a former refunder (you know sending in for lots of refunds and rebates on items, until the rebates became about obsolete), I am excited as this is the easy way to get those refund on products now.

Ibotta gives a fairly large list of items to choose from to buy and then receive cash back on.  You can be paid by paypal, or you can choose a school to donate to.  They have other redemption choices coming soon.  

Here are just a few examples of the products that are currently on my list---Fanta, Frosted Flakes, Huggies Wipes, Neosporin, Carnation Instant Breakfast, Eggos, Robitussin, Keebler cookies, Cheez Its, the list goes on and on.

There are tasks for each product such as taking a poll, learning a fact, looking at a video, reading a recipe, sharing on facebook.  You do the tasks, which then determine how much you earn once you buy the product.

There are many participating retailers such as Target, Walmart, Walgreens, all Kroger affiliated stores and more!

Once you buy the product you take a photo of your receipt with your device, submit the receipt, then you go to your list and scan the UPC of the item(s) that you purchased in that trip.

The customer service is awesome!  You can ask any questions you want or just talk over on their facebook page.   They have a helpdesk page with videos that show you exactly what to do with every aspect of the app.

I have redeemed for $8.75 and $9 in paypal.  Both times I rec'd payment within minutes.

Here is the best deal.  When you refer someone and they sign up, you earn $1....but that's not the best part!!  The person you refer earns $5!!

Here is my link---- 

Sorry to stray away from y usual Friday post, but I am truly excited and loving this earning app and I wanted to pass it along  :)

Now it's your turn to share in the linky this week. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Goals for 2013

This week let's talk about our goals with squidoo for 2013.
A few years back I made myself a goal of updating or building a new lens daily.  I've not been able to ever keep up with my goal.  This year it's my sincere goal to do so!

Even on my busiest day there are small updates I can do such as adding a flag counter, making a custom bio, checking tags, adding rss feed.  The list goes on and on.  I have a written list on ways to update and there are currently 21 items on my list.

Share one or 2 of your lenses in the linky, plus any blog posts you may have done pertaining to squidoo.  I also hope you will share your squidoo goals for 2013 in the comments section.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Frugal Friday With Marsha--linky included

Happy Holidays!   How are you doing getting prepared for Christmas?   I should be done by the time the day is over.
However, I find myself feeling guilty that I don't plan on baking this year.  Everyone, I'm sure, expects me to give each family the usual box of goodies.  I'm just thinking.......I don't have time!  It's not fun without the kids in the kitchen with me helping and keeping me company.   I may change my mind over the weekend, depending on if I get my sewing and crochet crafts completed.

I'm very pleased with the gifts we've gotten.  I didn't buy anything that wasn't on sale, clearance, or used a coupon for.  I didn't buy anything that wasn't combined with both a sale and a coupon.  I had hoped for an almost completely hand made Christmas.   I procrastinated when I should have started in January on my gifts.

The hand made Christmas sacks are done.  They are all almost completely filled once I get these last few crafts completed.
Here is a picture of the bags my daughter and I made before filling them:

If you have any posts anywhere (not just blog posts) that are about homemade/handmade gifts, please share them on my Handmade 2012 Linky page here on my blog.  I have the linky set to close Dec. 31st.  There are lots there, but I want to see more and more and more added.   I want lots of inspiration!     Thanks!

This week from the 99 Cent Solutions book, I am sharing 5 uses for petroleum jelly.

1.  Petroleum jelly spells relief.  You know that it relieves chapped lips, but did you know that if you put it under your nose it will relieve alleriges?  It traps the pollen before it gets a chance to enter your nostrils.

2.  Paint perfectly.  Coast your door hinges and handles with petroleum jelly when you paint that door.  The paint won't stick to it so you won't have to take the time to remove the fixtures before painting.  Just wipe it clean once you are done painting.

3.  Keep the glue from gluing the lid.  Isn't it frustrating when the glue works a little too well and you can't remove the glue cap when you need to?  Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the cap's threads to prevent this.

4.  Protect cuts and scrapes.  Apply a thin layer to your cut.  It will soften the scab, which will stop you from wanting to pick at it.  It also protects the scraped skin.

5.  Plunger help.  If your plunger isn't working up to it's normal standard, just cover the rim with a thick coating of petroleum jelly.  It will give you a tighter seal and better suction.

Your turn to share!

Merry Christmas to all!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Squidoo Hopping----Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas!

I won't be doing a post next week.  I just wish to enjoy the holiday week with my family and friends  :)

This week it's not only anything goes on the lenses you choose to post, but I also wish for you to post up to 5 lenses instead of just 1 or 2.

Let's end the year with a squidoo bang--helping each other with views and such  :)
I can't wait to see what everyone posts.....and remember that this linky will remain open for a full week.

Thanks to all who help support my linky and each other each week.  You are appreciated.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

WIP Wednesday--Christmas is Still In the Works

I managed to get my orders made and mailed that others needed for Christmas.  Phew!

I'm now finally working on finishing up what I am making for gifts this year to give out myself.  This is my fault.....I've had the materials all year, just procrastinated on getting started.
I think I can do it.  I did want to make 2 for each person, but it may end up one.

I have lots of wrapping to get done.  Christmas pretty much snuck up on me this year!  I didn't even get my Christmas cards out in the mail until yesterday.

Here are the towels so far:
I do have an order for fabric bags that I am working on.  It's come to a stand still until after Christmas, but I do have 2 of the 12 complete.  The others are well on their way to being finished.
We had sewing club last week at church.  Once again I didn't find, or take, the time to work on this quilt at home.  It's slowly moving along.  Hopefully after Christmas I can make myself up a sewing schedule and stick to it!
I think that's it for my report this week.  I don't plan on posting next week since it will be just the day after Christmas.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!!

 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Friday, December 14, 2012

Frugal Friday With Marsha (linky included)

Good Friday to all. Christmas is inching up on me....on all of us. How are you doing on getting all of your holiday preparations ready?

Me....I've not even put out my decorations. We hung the lights on the house and have the Christmas tree up, but I've put nothing else out. I think I better make sure to do that TODAY!

I still have Christmas gifts to get made. I'm going to take the easy way out on some of them. I shouldn't, as it won't be the same as homemade. But, at this point, it will be way less expensive.....and that is something I have to take into consideration.
I have just a few things that I still need to buy to fill gifts for my children. I'm waiting in hopes of a good sale with coupons before Christmas gets here.

I have always kept a tote all year around. Inside I put gifts as I buy them throughout the year. I'm always on the lookout for things that are a really good deal. My brain fried this year.....I got out that tote to see what was in it the other day. I totally forgot that I had already bought things ahead months ago! Since I forgot, I no longer need those for gifts. I've already bought again. Silly me. I even had a notebook with pages already ready to fill out on who was getting what. I even had gone as far as to already have one gift wrapped up with the name on it. That one will still go to the family.....the rest are back in the tote to use for birthday gifts. I guess that all still works out in the end. :)

This week from the 99 cent solutions book I am sharing ways to use nail polish remover. (If you read last week, I shared different uses for nail polish)

1. Remove pain with polish remover. This is for shingles. Mix 2 crushed aspirins with 3 tablespoons of nail polish remover (stirring until the aspirin dissolves). Apply this concoction directly to the shingles blisters with a cotton ball and let air dry.

2. Take sap off of your garden tools. If you've been trimming that sappy tree and your shears are covered with sap, just apply nail polish remover to a cloth and wipe it clean.

3. Carefully clean your chrome. Be careful not to let the nail polish touch the pain on your vehicle, but it works wonders on the chrome.

4. Take the super out of super glue. Thoroughly wet a cotton ball with nail polish remover and work at the superglue until it's dissolved. The remover must be acetone. Saves your fingers, let me tell you! (I won't tell you how many times I have ended up gluing my fingers together, but this does work!)

Thanks for the submissions to the linky last week. I hope to continue to see more of you joining in each week.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Anything Goes!

This week anything goes! Share your choice of 1 or 2 lenses.

As always, if you blog anything about squidoo, please also share those links as well.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Invite a Bit of Country Living Into Your Home For Christmas!

Christmas is right around the corner! I received two books from Sterling Publishing that I want to tell you about. There is still enough time to order these wonderful books and have them in time for the holidays.
I wholeheartedly encourage you to click on each book and take a look inside each one.

The first one is Country Livings Deck the Halls by Katy McColl. She is the former Executive Editor of the O at Home magazine and Country Livings. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Travel & Leisure, CBS, Best of Life, Page Six Magazine, Blueprint, InStyle Home, and other publications.

Inside Country Living Deck the Halls are Christmas Notecards, Labels, Ornaments, and Other Festive and Fun Projects.

I am in love with this book! I can't even begin to describe everything in this book. Easy instructions, wonderful pictures, stickers, cut-outs, name plates, and so much more. I am truly in awe!

The second book is Country Living The Farm Chicks Christmas by Serena Thompson.
Celebrate the magic of the season with ideas for entertaining, decorating, tree trimming, and crafting! There are also 17 yummy recipes for holiday sweets.
Serena has parlayed her love of vintage stuff, handmade crafts, cooking, and family into this brand that celebrates the simple ans stylish.
Serena now runs The Farm Chicks Antique Show in Spokane, Washington. She maintains a website and blog where she shares Farm Chick Style, which is a line of jewelry, clothing and stationary items. She is a contributing editor to Country Living.

I am also so in love with this book! 127 pages full of recipes and simple idea to make your holidays special. The illustrations are wonderful!
Included in the back of the book are recipe cards for your homemade goodies and 2 pages of To: From: and Baked For You Stickers.


Both books are very reasonably priced and both qualify for free super saver shipping on amazon!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Frugal Friday With Marsha (linky Included)

Is everyone about ready for Christmas?
I only have a couple more gifts to buy and then I am done shopping.  I've gotten some pretty good deals on gifts using coupons.  I bought 2 Monopoly Millionaire games using $5 coupons.  One was bought also using a $2 Target coupon.
I also bought 2 Yahtzee games.  They ended up free after sale, coupons, and rebate.

I finally got started making the crochet topped towels for all the women on my list.  I bought the towels last year after Christmas for 50% off.  I didn't know you only use half of a towel for each one you make, so I will end up with double.  I am using some yarn out of my daughter's stash, but I will give her a couple of dollars for using it.

I still need to buy the ingredients for the mens gifts.  I plan to make home made hot cocoa mix, which will  be bagged up and put inside coffee mugs. (the mugs I also bought for 50% off after Christmas last year.)  I am highly considering buying boxes of hot chocolate packets though as that is much more economical.  Not as good, but a lot cheaper.   

We also purchased our Christmas cards and wrapping paper half price last year.  I hope we have some extra $$ this year to do the same.

This from the 99 Cent Solutions book I am sharing way to use nail polish:
1.  Mark your keys.  Put a dot of colorful nail polish on your important keys.  One color for your house, one for your car etc.  This way you can easily identify them.

2.  Stop your costume jewelry from turning your skin green.  Just paint the inside of the jewelry with clear fingernail polish and that should do the trick.

3.  Cover up that scratch on your car.  Find a nail polish to match the color of your car and paint it in with nail polish.  It will look good as new.  You can remove it with polish remover if necessary.

4.  Tag your toothbrushes.  Paint the end of each person's toothbrush with a different color polish for easy identification.  Use their favorite color if you can.

Your turn!  Inspire me with your posts on saving money, being frugal, living green, simple living, etc.   P.S.  If you have posts of any sort about hand made/ home made items, please click over to my Handmade 2012  linky page and link up!  I want to see a LOT more there before 2012 is over.  Thanks!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Hand Made/Home Made

This week I am choosing Hand Made to be the theme for many reasons:
1.  I'm in the middle of making gifts myself.
2.  I want more ideas.
3.  I have a linky page here on my blog that is just for handmade posts. (I would love it if you would click over to the Handmade 2012 page and check it out and add to it!)

Don't worry, if you don't have any lenses about home made gifts and such, you are still welcome to choose 1 or 2 of your other lenses to link up.  And, as always, please link up any blog posts where you talk about squidoo as well.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday--I've Been Working!!

Good Wednesday to all.  I've been working pretty hard the last 2 weeks.  I bet I've done more sewing the last 2 weeks than I have the past few months.  It feels good.
I didn't do a post last least I don't think I did.  I think Wednesday got away from me.  I was to have an online party, but it ended up being cancelled. are some of the things that I am working on:

I have worked on my bunnies some on the go.  Not so much, but they are moving along.  I have 3 of 20 done.  There are 2 others in the photo that I have a start on.
 I decided to make all my Christmas sacks hand made this year.  I had my daughter help me work on them too.  I was one short, but they are all made now, and I've even started working on filling them.  I have fun with the bags.
I finally got around to starting on the crochet topped hand towels that I am making for gifts.  I stopped after one.  I've decided it's best to sew across the top with a nice stitch for extra strength.  I will be heading in to do that as soon as I am done with this post.
Last but not least, let's see what we can make out from all this stuff on my craft desk!!
I have a few baby bibs to finish up.  I am working on a special order of fabric bags.  I have a few more of the folded hot pads to complete.  And, I have 3 plastic bag holders to complete.  The plastic bag holders will be Christmas gifts.

I am now part of a stitch group through the quilt guild.  I look forward to that starting.  Anything that helps me to keep on stitching is so much fun for me.

I can't wait to look around and see what others are up to.   I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Monday, December 3, 2012

Newbury Wreath 24 Inch 50L Clear--Lightening Deal--Hurry! Ends at 2 PM CST

Get this

Newbury Wreath 24 Inch 50L Clear 

For just $25.74 before 2 pm CST, or when supplies run out.  They are going fast!  Better yet, they qualify for free shipping too!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

12 Day of Christmas Specials with Julep!

Every day between December 1st and December 12th, is having some awesome deals

Each deal will go live at 12am EST  each day, and will only be good until 11:59pm PST.

I am late posting for today but it's still good for a few more hours.  I'm including a sneak peak of days 2 and 3.

 Don't forget to check out the Maven program while you are there too.  Awesome way to get awesome products delivered to you each month.  No obligation to take every month.  Always $40 or more in products.  Click the button!

Check out the package I just rec'd in the mail today:
Julep Instant Warming Foot Scrub, 2 new nail colors (Patti and Julia).  Also included in the package is a Cabachon ring.    (My daughter has already designed the ring with the Julia polish before I snapped the picture.
What a fun box!   I couldn't wait to try out the polish.  Of course I have a photo for you on it as well.  It's the Julia-American Beauty.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Frugal Friday With Marsha (linky included)

It's been such a crazy week.....or 2 weeks. I didn't post last week because I was still reeling from Thanksgiving. Ok, we were busy putting up the Christmas tree.

I had shopped some at both Dollar General and Family Dollar on Thanksgiving day and bought 1 toy gift for each of the 10 children. I wrapped those last Friday as well and have them under the tree. Which, btw, the wrapping paper we bought last year after Christmas.

I've been doing a lot of crafts. I should be getting on to making my Christmas gifts, but right now I am finishing up things that I had already started so that I can get them listed in my etsy shop.

I love the holidays, the meaning of them, and the time with family.....I don't like the stress and the hustle and bustle of them!

Today I am sharing 5 uses for mouthwash from the 99 Cent Solutions book:

1. Give your toothbrush a bath. Wash your toothbrush daily in mouthwash. It will kill the germs and your immune system will thank you too.

2. If you bite your tongue, rinse your moth with mouthwash to help your tongue heal faster.

3. Refresh your tired feet. It seems that the marathon runners know this secret. Soak your feet in sugarless mouthwash for 10 minutes. The mint will make them smell sweet and the alcohol will refresh them.

4. Help to heal a bruise. When you bump yourself, alleviate the pain and cut down the discoloration by rubbing the area with a splash of alcohol-based mouthwash.

5. Rinse away skin problems. This is for you cat or dog. If they get minor cuts and scrapes, or even boils, just put mouthwash on cotton balls and clean the wounds. It will clean out the wound and cool down the boils.

It's your turn to share!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Your Choice Week!

After pretty much taking last week off of everything for Thanksgiving, I have been really working hard this week.  Back to business, especially with Christmas right around the corner.

I am not having a theme this week for the link-up, rather I am going to let you choose the 1 or 2 lenses that you would like to link up.  Maybe it's your bottom 2, your top 2, your latest 2, your favorite 2.  The choice is yours!

Please also link up any blog posts you have done relating to squidoo as well.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Homeschool Journal 11/27/12

Happy Tuesday!
I took last week off from blogging with the holiday.....and I needed a break.

I think I will post these journals every other week.

Thanksgiving week I did have sewing club at church, which means that Jasmine takes her laptop, or workbooks, and she does schoolwork while I sew.  I would really rather her sew for the day with us, but I just can't get her interested in sewing! (I did buy a book at the quilt shop titled Learn How to Quilt in 6 Easy Lessons.  She told me she would work in it with me.  So far we've not gotten past going over the supply list section.)
I did snap a picture of her while we were there.  She was working in some of the SW Advantage software.
So she did have a good day of schoolwork on Tuesday.  She still attends the Bible study upstairs in the morning.  Once it's over we all eat lunch, then she gets to work on whatever it is she's brought.
We also had a full school day on Monday.
Just like yesterday!  We had a full school day with Kansas History, Math, Reading, Vocabulary, Devotions, and Earth Science.  In fact, she did 3 types of math yesterday.  She still has trouble with her multiplication tables, so I pulled out the stack of flash cards.  She worked in the Everyday Math workbook, and we started a new workbook that is all about investing and the stock market.    If we could have days like this 5 days a week it would just be awesome!

Until next week, I am linking up with:
Hip Homeschool Hop Button

Monday, November 19, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

I love these type of movies. I can't wait to get a chance to see this one! #Ad

Revitalizing Lip Balm

With winter and extra dry lips, this looks like a great product to try! #Ad

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Swagbucks Collectors Bills

The start of the holiday season is near and Swagbucks can't contain their excitement., the largest loyalty & rewards site, is launching Collector's Bills. From midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 20th to the end of Cyber Monday on Nov 26th, you search for all your online and holiday needs via Swagbucks search to earn Collector's Bills. Collect all 5 bills and win bonus Swag Bucks automatically. 

New to Swagbucks? Try it out for free and redeem Swag Bucks for great holiday gifts like Kindle Fire tablets, iPads, and gift cards for major retailers like Amazon, Paypal, Walmart and more.