
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wip Wednesday--fusique'® Workshop! and more

Good morning WIP friends!

It's been a busy week for me.  Monday was our monthly quilt guild meeting.  Our speaker was Linda Everhart.   She did a great presentation for us, showing us so many things while telling about her life at the same time.

The most exciting part for me was the workshop in the afternoon!  I've been waiting for the workshop, it being my very first one to attend.

I love to learn new things and Linda taught us her fusique'® technique.

I encourage you to check out her website at   She has videos available and patterns for sale.

I did get one square of 3 put together at the workshop.  I took this photo Monday evening.  I did do some more cutting out yesterday too.

 You know how much fun I have after I learn something new.  Linda has a lot of great patterns.  I hope to be able to buy a couple more patterns very soon!  The pattern I am using here is her newest and is entitled Enchanted Emerald Aisle.

Moving on.......once again I only worked just one day on my other quilt.  I have one more row on, but not completed.   One of these months I will get this one completed and another quilt started.

 I had an inquiring asking if I could make the plastic bag holders.  It couldn't be that hard  :)   I finally printed out a tutorial that I found at

 I had taken a picture this morning of it still in my sewing machine, but ended up finishing it before starting this post.  So, here it is, completed, and filled with all the bags that I have hung off the back of a chair all week  LOL!
 Last but not least this week is my 2 week check in on the granny a day challenge blanket.   This is May 2, 2012 and day 123 of the year.  It's getting bigger yet.  Miss Molly had to get in on the picture taking action again.
 I can't wait to see just what I can get finished to share by next week.  In the meantime, check out these blogs, which I am connecting to:
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Marsha, please contact me in reference to the AMerican Craft DVD. Your name was drawn but I don't have an email for you. Please contact me at or please leave a post here on the contest page with your email so I can contact you! Thanks and congrats!

  2. Hi Marsha - thanks for popping by my blog and great to see your blanket is growing! Miss Molly is welcome in the pictures anytime as far as I am concerned!! Cute.
    Until next time - take care - Ali

  3. I love that Enchanted Emerald Aisle. Of course, I'd love it even more in colors of the sun!

    I really should hop along on that granny square a day thing and make myself an afghan. I haven't had a self-made crochet afghan for myself in decades.

    1. My favorite color is yellow so I would like it in colors of the sun too! Just might make one for the kitchen table in yellows.

  4. Hi Marsha,
    Love the photo and the blog. What a great day I had quilting in the afternoon. I congratulate you on your newbie quilting skills. Can't wait to see the finished project, as I loved your colors!
    Quilting Smiles and Hugs,
    Among Friends ... Linda Everhart
