
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Shop Hop Saturday--Still Flying (or Climbing)

Shop Hop Saturday with abitosunshineI'm later than usual getting this post done this week.  There were things that I wanted to complete before making the post.

If you recall, these are my 5 mountain climbing goals that Ruthi over at abitosunshine challenged us to make:
1.  Build a new squidoo lens each week as well as update at least 2 others.
2.  Post at least 3 things a week to redgage.
3.  Post 2 things a week into my etsy store and continue to move other things to my zibbet store.
4.  Keep up with the reviews and regular postings to my blog.
5.  Sew at least a little bit each day. (this goes with accomplishing goal 3)

I did build a new squidoo lens--a music review.  I think I only updated one lens though.  Squidoo has been having it's ups and downs on whether we could get in this past week.

Again I didn't get my 3 things posted to redgage until the last minute--today.  I should change that goal to 1 a day!  Once I am in there I have a pattern--I'm a pattern type person big time.  I upload, then share, then I choose something to check out from the recommended on the side.   Then, I go and right click to open friend requests.  I click open the person before I approve the request so that I don't lose them.  I then subscribe to the person and click all content to choose at least one thing to go comment on.  Once I comment I either click a name of someone familiar to me that has already commented, or again, find something on the related list on the side.
I have loads of catching up on at redgage to return comments.  I do hope to get it in gear there too.

 I did get 2 new listings up in my etsy store.  Watch out!  I have 5 things planned to be completed and listed by next weekend.  It will be my last chance to get new items in before the Christmas Celebration starts with the online craft mall.  I also need to get a bunch of things that have expired on etsy over to my zibbet store before then.  Whew!! Busy week ahead for me business wise, especially with Thanksgiving thrown in there.
I have been keeping up with my regular posts here on my blog.  However, I am still way behind in getting reviews posted.
I have been sewing each day....or if not sewing working on tieing or hand sewing on a quilt.
In addition I just listed 2 items over at listia.  Both are sets of bookmarks.  I am trying to earn more points in hopes of winning some thread to keep up my sewing.  I keep getting out bid when there is some up for auction.
This is a set of 4 Winter bookmarks that I've made. They are printed on card stock and covered with clear laminate. Each measures 6 1/2...
6d 23h 20m 32s
Please open the photo if you need to see the larger. This auction is for 5 bookmarks--mix or match. Your choices are Rudolph with the w...
6d 23h 32m 50s
There you have it, my report for this week  :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

TGIFF--Solid Prints Quilt and More

Oh gosh. I finished this quilt earlier today but then got busy on some housework that I had let slide while I worked on it.

I finished this solid print quilt this morning. The photo is taken on our king size bed so it's about twin size. I'm thinking I should have put another row on the end to make it a bit longer, but I'm still very happy with the way it looks. I decided to back it with black corduroy.

Since I didn't choose to put on another row, I was left with 2 rows of squares. Actually these two rows I had somehow sewed so that no matter which way I turned them they wouldn't match up with the rest. I decided to make these 2 rows in to a table runner. It's also backed in the black corduroy, but doesn't have a middle.

I had 4 squares left so I decided to use of some of my leftover hotpad insides and turn them into two matching hotpads.

I'm hankering to get started now on the same style quilt but made with flowered fabrics. I'm holding myself back because I have a Dora quilt to finish hand quilting first....and this evening I am dedicating to cutting and sorting my coupons. I've allowed myself to get weeks behind again.

I am linking up with:

Frugal Friday Link up--4 uses for Cream of Tartar

We've made it to Friday again.
Again this week I've been sewing and sewing.  I can't wait to complete some of the projects and do a frugal post about them.  I should be able to get those projects done before next Friday, even with Thanksgiving in there.

This week from the 99 Cent Solutions book I am sharing 4 uses for cream of tartar:
1.  Create your own soft scrub.   If you have a gentle surface such as a cast-iron tub or a designer sink, you can make a effective cleaners that's devoid of harshness by mixing 2 tsp. white vinegar with 2 tsp. cream of tartar.  Rub and scrub with a sponge, then rinse with warm water and buff dry.

2.  Shine aluminum cookware.  Aluminum pots may heat beautifully, but woe to the cook who lets acid touch the pan.  Aluminum discolors like crazy.  Remove discoloration and stains by putting 1 qt. water and 2 tbsp. cream of tartar in the pan.  Bring to a boil, and as it simmers for 10 minutes, you will see the stains fade and disappear.

3.  Take stains off tile and tubs.  Stubborn stains on the tile or a bathtub ring that won't scrub off?  Put a few tbsp. of cream of tartar in a cup or jar, then add hydrogen peroxide by the drop to make a thick paste. (If you accidentally add too much liquid, you may want to dump half the entire cup before stirring in more cream of tartar, otherwise you will find the container empty fast!)  Spread the stain and let it dry.  Rinse off with warm water, and the stain should be history.

4.  Repel ants.  Sprinkle a line of cream of tartar across the path that ants are traveling to come in.  Put it across the windowsill or in corners and cracks around the kitchen.  As with boric acid, ants won't cross the line---but it's a much safer chemical to have out in your kitchen around foodstuffs and where children might be playing.

Thanks to those of you who linked up last week.  I hope to see more and more link up each week.  It's a great way to stay inspired to be frugal, save money, etc.

Don't forget to check out my current giveaways. I have more on the way. Blog giveaways are a great way to win some cool stuff. Since they have lower entries, the chances are good as well.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

UPrinting Postcard Giveaway!

I'm so pleased to be able to bring you a postcard giveaway from UPrinting.
UPrinting does very high quality printing. I've gotten stickers and the Nightclub flyers (that are like postcards) from them. With the stickers my resolution wasn't right.
Their customer service is wonderful. Where a lot of printing businesses would print your order as is, UPrinting will not. They want to ensure your order is just what you want and high quality. They even called me on the phone to make sure I didn't need any help!

Prize details
100 pieces Postcard Printing for One (1) Winner
5" x 7"
14pt Cardstock Gloss
Front Only Printing
2 Business Days Turnaround
Free shipping

p.s. Postcards are currently on sale at UPrinting at 20% off. What will you have printed on yours?

Disclaimer: This postcard printing giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting, no monetary compensation was given for hosting. Check out for more details.

Squidoo Hopping--Tentacles in a Twist

Tentacles in a twist---that was the message I kept getting all last night as I tried to build a new lens.  Thankfully I was able to get up this morning and get the new lens built.

KT Tunstall Tiger Suit --This is a music album review lens.  I must learn how to fancy up my lenses like I see so many others do.  My text modules just look blah.  If you can direct me where to learn how to liven them up, please do so!

I don't believe that I updated any lenses this past week.  I'm guilty of still being in a sewing frenzy.  Must learn to divide my time up better.  In the meantime, here are some of my "in the pink" lenses that could use some love to raise lensrank until I can find the time to get some updating done.

The Bride Collector by Ted Dek...

Jasmine's Lapbooks

Crash by Mayra Calvani


I'm sad to report that I didn't make enough this month to get paid.  I would have if I hadn't started donating though, so that is still good.  I have a long ways to go to get all of my lenses giving 10% to a charity.

I'm going to close for today and get this linky going.  I look forward to any additions to the linky this week.




Wednesday, November 16, 2011

WIP Wednesday--Trying Hand Quilting

I've stayed busy again this past week...yay me!
It took me 4 days, or maybe 5, to go through all of the posts in the linky at Freshly Pieced. I wanted that shot at winning the fat quarters, but in the meantime I seen some fantastic work! Way to stay posting each week, and looking at others weekly posts too.

I sewed together a few of the squares for that scrappy quilt at church but didn't take a picture. I crocheted 2 washcloths so I need one more for a set in my etsy store. I didn't take a picture of those either. I also don't have pics of the material I have cut for 2 Dora fabric bags and a pillow to match the Dora quilt pictured below.

I am trying my hand for the first time at hand quilting, including the edging of this Dora Quilt. The first picture is when I was putting on the backing. The second picture is one spot I have sewn around and part of the edging.

I found some more flannel to cut for the toothbrush rug while looking through my stash. I had already cut up a couple pajama pant legs and some pj arms I found that my daughter had cut off her shirt. I do hope to have this rug finished by the weekend. I hope that with what I have now it will be "large" enough. I have more flannel waiting in a box now for the next one.

Last but not least I have the top sewn on the colorful quilt. What would the name of this design be? I am in hopes of getting it backed and pinned tomorrow.

With the two rows that I somehow got backwards I went ahead and backed with black corduroy and made a table runner. I then had 4 lone squares so I made those also into hot pads. I think I am going to sell the runner and hotpads as a set in my etsy store.

I have a question that I hope someone will see.....would it be wrong to put corduroy on the back of a quilt?

Alright, better get this posted before it gets any longer. I am linking up with the following blogs:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Uglee Pens Review and Giveaway

The UGLee Pen is a revolutionary ergonomic pen that is designed, created and used by a real physician. This Doctor-inspired grip pen is redefining the way people view pens and writing.
The UGLee Pen is good for everyone who writes (even just a grocery list), and is especially helpful to people who experience pain and discomfort when writing, for example those with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.,. It's also the best writing utensil  for children who are learning to write and are developing fine motor skills, as well as helpful for special-needs children who find holding a pen or pencil properly difficult. And for high-school and college students who have to take copious notes, this pen helps keep hands and fingers from cramping.

(My review)
When I received my UGLee pens in the mail, my 15 yr. old took one of them right away.  She is left handed and having a lot of trouble with pain in her thumb.  She really liked the way the pen felt when she writes.  In fact, she's pretty protective of her UGLee Pen

I left for the evening and it was funny when I got back home.  I found my oldest daughter and her boyfriend sitting at the kitchen table playing a dice game.  I noticed she was using one of the UGLee Pens but didn't say anything.  When they were done with their game she asked me where I had gotten the cool pen from.  I told her I got it in for review and giveaway on my blog.  Her reply?  "Oh good, so I can have this one and tell you how I like it?"  Sure you can, but she told me right away that she loved the pen.  She didn't have to make any effort at all to get it to write.  She carries her UGLee Pen with her everywhere she goes.

I have been using "my" UGLee Pen since the day they came in the mail and also loving it.  My oldest daughter is right, it takes very little effort to get the pen to write.  The feel of the gripper is a nice natural feel.  I have trouble with carpal tunnel syndrome, and so far no matter how much writing I am doing, my wrist hasn't bothered me.

I'm so glad that I was sent 3 of the UGLee pens so that all 3 of us are able to have our own!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

On to the giveaway!

Sponsored by

Homeschool Journal--Plugging Along

I can't say that we had the best of week's as far as book work, but it was a good week.

The grandkids were out of school Friday for Veteran's Day.  I didn't figure we would get much schoolwork done with 5 kids in the house.  It ended up that her youth group decided to meet for the day since there was no school.  They had a 6 hour or so get together.  It's good for her to go and socialize with kids her own age, so in the long run I was glad she got to go.

Tuesday was sewing club at church for me.  Usually we can't get Jasmine involved in helping with anything.  We make quilts that we give to the Domestic violence center and meet once a month from 10-3.  Jasmine still attends the Bible study upstairs and then comes downstairs with us.  Once she is downstairs we have lunch.  She brings schoolwork in her backpack for the afternoon.  This time we talked her into doing some tracing of letters for us.  We are making a banner for the church's 125th anniversary next year.

She did end up doing some math once she was done cutting out the letters.  I would actually much prefer she spent the afternoon helping us cut material, tie quilts, and learning to sew.

We are still reading books about Greece.  The current book we are reading is Teens in Greece.  I planned on moving on to England next since her youth group is supposed to make a trip to England in March.  However, they still need $6000 to make the trip so now they are talking about going to Disney World instead.  We may still study England, time will tell on that I guess.

I am super busy working on quilts and things each day now.  It's something I have to do for myself and for our money situation.  I've decided we will start picking up educational DVD's at the library each week again.  If nothing else those can work in with history and science for times when I am working.  I read a lot out loud to Jasmine in our studies.  It's the way she learns best.

I'm going to move on this week as we need to head out the door to Bible study for this week.

Hip Homeschool Hop Button

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mailbox Monday November 14

Not a bad week and I got a couple of great books for review.
Magazines:  Entertainment Weekly, Businessweek, Ok!, Martha Stewart Living, and Sports Illustrated.
Several pieces of hausernet mail.
Crest travel size tube from vocalpoint
Make and Take Crafts for Kids book for review
The Nametag Principle book for review
Emergen-C for kids samples
Playtex Sport Wipes samples and coupon
3 Uglee pens for review and giveway (only one in the photo because 2 of my daughters each snagged one right away)
$10.26 commission check from Jerky Direct (not pictured)

Frugal Friend