
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday September 19

Good Morning!
I am not past my disappointment and all about the refund, but all I can do for now is move on and pray it works out and I still get it.

Time to share what I've shared on gather since last posted here as well as things I've done on squidoo.

I just finished updating Our Unschooling Journey 4
I added another blanket done on my Blankets for Christmas lens.
This week's assignment with Rocketmoms was to build a lens around Travel the World with the Rocketmoms. I built mine on Dillon's Nature Center--Hutchinson, KS

Flower Photo Essay--Last One This Season
Two More Blankets/Quilts Complete
We Got a New Kitchen Table
and 36 Odd Things About Me
I'm also sharing 3 photos a day taken at the state fair in an album Kansas State Fair 2009

In other news...I survived the week. I'm feeling really tired but I made it. My son is still staying with us. We are working on getting the swimming pool emptied and taken down for the season. We got in trouble with the city for emptying it onto the street. They say it's human contamination and against the law. It had to be emptied into a sewer, and that didn't mean the grates in the street either.
I got my middle daughter to the dentist for her partial impression, now we wait for them to call and say they are done.
Tomorrow is the first day of Sunday school at church so I am keeping all the grandkids overnight tonight. I actually look forward to it....just hope I can get to sleep at a decent time.

I think that's it for now. Have yourself an awesome Saturday.

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