
Friday, March 30, 2018

Frugal Friday With Marsha -- My Laptop is Down

My laptop is down.  I can only assume I need a new battery as it won't hold a charge and now it's at the point of if it does come on, it goes right back off and says it's plugged in but not charging.
This makes me very sad, as you probably know.  I depend on my online work for my earning.

I am grateful for my 2 tablets, my plan phone, and 3 other phones that I run apps on.  I've been surfing on my plan phone, along with the 2 tablets.  But, now I have to also do my email from my phone as well.  No idea how I can even come close to doing it all.

In the meantime, here are the earnings I rec'd this past week from websites and apps:

$2 from PerkTV to my PerkPlastik card
$13.05 PayPal from MagicalJourneyTE
$10.48 to my checking account from Etsy after fees and shipping, including these from the previous order as well.
$13.29 paypal from Gardenmails
$3 PayPal from Pinecone Research
$1 amazon from the checkpoints app

It seems I can't put in links or banners without the tablet freezing up, so if you would like more information on any of the sites in my list, please contact me with Facebook messenger.

I also apologize for no recyclebank links, or Friday Freebie link, or the weekly link up.  It's not letting me even open a new tab to see if I could cut and paste!

Make sure to check out the Friday Freebie with your Kroger affilate store--it's a Kinder Joy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

WIP Wednesday --Lots Worked On

Does working a little on lots of projects add up to getting a lot done.  It actually adds up to getting nothing "done" 😀😉

We had our member sale this past Monday at guild.  That was loads of fun.  I got some great deals!

One thing I got was 2 yellow fat quarters for $1 each, some black and white (given to me out of a scrap bag that someone else bought), and a whopping 60 x 62 piece of black Kona for just $3 (lots of this still left!).
I got my start on my Sodoku quilt top finally. I bought the pattern 4 or 5 years ago!  It will be added to my "new" list once I get this post done.

I got a good start on making pin cushions.  6 finished ones were donated to the guild to be used as free gifts when someone buys tickets for our opportunity quilt. 

Some more rows added to my plarn bedroll that will be given to a charity that will give it to a homeless person.  This is going to be a long project as I'm nowhere close to the 6 foot long.  You can find a write up and instructions on making plarn bedrolls HERE.

Here's a UFO that's been hanging in it's project bag for a couple of years or so.  I got frustrated while quilting it as the back kept folding over.  I put it in the member sale figuring if someone bought it fine, if not, I would frog stitch and use my 505 spray and try again to finish it.  I got the frog stitching done.  Hopefully will work towards finishing this, this next week.

Lastly, this past week they had "Git R' Done" day at the quilt shop.  I pulled out this Charming Stars quilt that I hadn't worked on for almost a year.  I'm really close now to getting the hand quilting done around the edge.  Of course who knows when I will pull it out again.  Knowing me, it will be at Git R' Done in April.

I hope to get as much done this next week as well.
In the meantime, I link up with these blogs:

WIPs on Wednesdays

Jo's Country Junction:

KatieMae Quilts for BOM weekly linky.