
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Get $3 when you sign up for Swagbucks With The September Referral Bonus

All throughout September you can earn big bonuses at Swagbucks, a rewards site where you earn points (called SB) for things you're probably doing online already, like searching, watching videos, discovering deals, and taking surveys. Then you take those points and exchange them for gift cards to places like Amazon, Starbucks, Walmart, Target, or PayPal cash. 

When you sign up through me this month, you can earn a $3 bonus! Here's how: 

1. Sign up using this link 

2. Earn 300 SB total before 10/1/17. You'll get a $3 (300 SB) bonus for it! 

3. That's it. It's super easy, and Swagbucks is for real. I use it myself, and I've earned over 280,000 since joining Swagbucks which is over $2800 in PayPal, amazon gift cards, and Walmart gifts cards.  They have tons of other gift cards to choose from too!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Frugal Friday With Marsha -- Food Again

As far as being frugal, this past week has still been about our meals.
I did pull 13 lbs of chicken out of the deep freeze that's been there for a long time.  What I found was that most of it was freezer burnt.

Lesson #1--  Use the food that you have!

I cooked what I could of it in the crockpot, which was still quite a lot.  We had chicken that night then we pulled the rest of the chicken off the bones and it's not in the freezer ready for 2 meals-- a casserole, and chicken fajitas.

I've thought a lot this last week about my mom and how she always has done things at meals.  In my adult life we have ended up living with her for short periods and she is still the same.
She pulls out all leftovers every meal---until they are gone.

Lesson #2-- Use leftovers instead of letting them turn into science experiments in the refrigerator.

Rather than pull out leftovers each meal like my mom, I used to freeze leftovers.  Veggies were put into a larger container in the freezer and used with roast or stew in the crock pot.  Other foods were frozen like they were.    I would then pull them all out twice a month for a banquet meal.   The kids actually loved when I did this and getting to choose what they wanted to eat from many things.

Lesson #3--  No matter what, just try to not let food go to waste, PERIOD!

Whichever way I choose to do it, making sure leftovers get eaten or freezing the leftovers, we must adhere to lesson #3.
Even when (or if) we get our financial life back in order, we still need to not waste anything.

Our local food bank allows people to come for food every 2 months.  It's been quite a bit longer than that since I had went, and I made an appointment.  You would never guess that for meat, we got mostly chicken.   I can be ok with that though because I do love chicken, and there are so many different ways to fix it.

I also got in a bit of money and was able to spend $16 at the grocery store.  I bought tortillas, milk, and cheese along with some non-food items.  I was looking at Sargento cheese slices for a 25 cent rebate on ibotta.  I had a 50 cent coupon, but that only took Sargento down to $3 a package.  I seen that the store brand of the sliced cheese was on sale for $1.88 and had 6 more slices.  I opted to be the wiser shopper and get the store brand.

Well, that's it for this week.  Will next week be more adventures in food, or will I come up with something else to talk about?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August Swago --Don't Miss Out!

Swagbucks is holding their Swago promotion starting Monday, August 28th at 9am PDT! It's just like bingo, but in this case you're filling out squares as you earn points on their site for doing things you already do online. If you're thinking of trying Swagbucks, this is a great chance to learn all about how the site works and earn bonus points while doing it.    

The best part is that the points you get can be used to get free gift cards to places like Amazon, or PayPal cash! 

Fill up your board and then submit your pattern to get even more points - if you can fill in the whole board, you get a 500 SB bonus! That's enough for a $5 gift card in their Rewards Store.  

Click here to sign up and get started! If you sign up through my link and earn 300 SB before the first of next month, you'll get a bonus 300 SB!

Don't miss out!  Swago is an easy way to earn even more sb!  

WIP Wednesday -- Do I Have Time?

Just 5 days left to finish up my items that I am entering in the state fair.  Is that enough time?  I highly doubt it.

I actually am much further on the Heart wall hanging than this picture, so yes, I do have time to finish it.

While I had the sewing machine out I did take time out to work on the sets of coasters.  Actually, they are also finished, but I'm sharing this picture anyway.

It's the Christmas yo-yo table runner that I am just sure I can not finish in the 5 days I have left.  It's time consuming and I just have so many other things going on that it's so hard to find time to put on more than a few at a time!  If all else fails, I will turn in the valance that I have finished as a table runner.

I have no idea what I will have to show you next week, but hopefully something!

Here are the blogs that I link to:

WIPs on Wednesdays

Jo's Country Junction:

KatieMae Quilts for BOM weekly linky.