
Friday, February 10, 2017

Frugal Friday With Marsha -- Friday Freebies

Are you getting your Friday Freebie each week from Kroger?  Our Kroger stores are Dillon's.

Here is a picture of some of the foods we have gotten free recently:

Other recent Friday Freebies not pictured are Annie's Macaroni and Cheese, Simple Truth Organic Tortilla Chips, Sara Lee Bread, and so much more.

Today's Friday Freebie is a Hershey's Cookie Layer Crunch Caramel candy bar!!  Doesn't that sound scrumptious and something to help that sweet tooth?

My point of this post is to take advantage of these freebies.  They will help you save money on your grocery bill, and assure that you aren't hungry.

p.s.  Watch for the coupons that they send you in the mail too.  This bundle we got last week includes a free coupon for a box of Cheerios as well as a free coupon for a box of Keebler Club Crackers.  More great ways to ensure we don't go hungry!

Here are some books you might find interesting:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

WIP Wednesday-- Same Old Same Old

I skipped out on my post last Wednesday as we spent the morning at the Salvation Army getting our taxes done.
You might be bored anyway since I am still just working on the same two things!  With any luck, the weather will hold up this month and the monthly sit n' sew at the quilt shop won't end up canceled this month like it was last month.  The project I intended to work on last month is still in the bagged I packed it in.

In the meantime, I am still plugging away making 3 yo-yo's a day.  My pile of fabric in the box has to be going down, but it sure doesn't seem like it!   I plan to start putting the yo-yo's together at a quilt retreat at the end of April.  Surely by then I will have most all of these made.

More work done on the selvage toothbrush rug.  I just might be done with this in the next couple weeks or so.  I do hope so as I have other rugs on my list of 17 in 2017 to finish.

You can see my list of 17 in 2017 in the left side bar.   I have no idea when I can get back to the soscrappy challenge.  Here it is February and I've not looked to see what this month's color is!

I link up with the following blogs:


Monday, February 6, 2017

Valentine's Day Collector's Bills Starts Today!

One of my favorite things about using Swagbucks is that I can get rewards for searching the web through their search engine. Every now and then they have "Collector's Bills" worth bonus SB points that you can collect by simply searching the web. Collect them all, and you get an SB Bonus! Once you've collected enough SB, you can redeem them for gift cards to stores like Walmart, Target, and many more!
Here's all the information for this week's Valentine's Day Collector's Bills:
Search the web through the Swagbucks search starting Monday, February 6th through Friday, February 10th, and when you get a search win, you may get a special Collector’s Bill valued at either:
  • 5 SB
  • 7 SB
  • 9 SB
  • 14 SB
  • 21 SB
When you get a Collector’s Bill you’ll receive the value of the bill and the bill will be added to your “Collector’s Bills” ledger. Collect all 5 Collector’s Bills and you’ll instantly earn a 20 SB Bonus!
Keep searching til you find them all!

Not a member yet?  Join HERE!