
Friday, January 20, 2017

Frugal Friday With Marsha -- Weekly Recap 1/20/17

Whew!  It's been a good week.  The days have flown by.

1.  I had my annual doctor appointment.  I am so thankful that my husband's work covers are health insurance.  That is a HUGE savings.  I am thankful that I earn online and I was able to pay my co-pay for the visit from my online earnings.

2.  I still have yet to buy a Sunday paper for the coupons, but I have been using printable grocery coupons.  I've mentioned the blog, Pinchin Paul, that I am following through twitter.  I opened some of the posts that were for items that we use in our household, printed out the coupons, and actually gave those to my daughter to use.

3.  I'm still working on establishing routines for my day, but still having trouble getting sidetracked--hence why I didn't get this blog post started until noon!  It's not always a bad thing as I was doing some important things this morning getting some ads in rotation and such to hopefully improve my online earning, but I had other plans in my head for how my day was going to go.

4.  I'm still reading The Six Dollar Family on my kindle app.  I'm up to the chapter that includes recipes for health and beauty.  That sounds interesting.  I just might check those out too...and it could be some things to make for my daughters for their Christmas next year.  I will have more on that later.

5.  Not frugal related exactly, but something I just must share!  My youngest daughter gave birth to my 11th grandchild Saturday, January 14th at 6:29 am.  Amelia Isis Marie came in weighing 6 lb 2 oz and was 19 inches.
This is a picture that my daughter shared today on her facebook.  I just love it and want to share it with my readers.

Until next week, I wish everyone a Frugal week ahead.   I wonder what I might have to share with you next week.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Get Paid To Try Hulu!

If you've been thinking about trying Hulu, this is the time to do it. Thanks to an offer through Swagbucks, you get $20 (paid in the form of points called SB) for trying Hulu for a month. That will cost you $7.99, so you're making $12 on the deal!

Hulu has tons of current and classic programming, movies, brilliant original series, and more. Here's how you do it:

1. Click this link.
2. Create your Swagbucks account (takes 30 seconds)
3. Click "Continue" and sign up for Hulu
4. Enjoy Hulu! You should have your points within 30 minutes.

Haven't tried Swagbucks yet? They're a site where you earn points (called SB) for doing things like online shopping, watching videos, taking surveys, and discovering deals and services you might like to try (like Hulu!). You then take those points and turn them into free gift cards to places like Amazon, Starbucks, Walmart, Target, or PayPal cash.

This is a great time to join because when you sign up through the link above and get your 2000 SB, you'll get a bonus 300 SB at the beginning of February. So that's $20 (2000 SB) for trying Hulu plus your $3 (300 SB) bouns, which gets you 2300 SB, which means you make $15 total just for watching TV!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

WIP Wednesday -- Yo-yo's and the Rug

I'm keeping up with my 365 so far so good with making 3 yo-yo's each day.  I'm itching to start putting together the valances and table runner, but need to wait until I have yo-yo's made from each of the different fabrics in my box.

I worked more on the selvage toothbrush rug

I have listed my 17 in 2017 on the right side here on my blog along with the button to the blog that is hosting the challenge.

If you care to see pictures of all 17 you can see those in my post from last week.

WIP Wednesday--17 in 2017 Challenge

This week I am linking up with:

Here are a few things that might interest you: