
Friday, November 25, 2016

Frugal Friday With Marsha -- Thanksgiving Dinner

Is Thanksgiving dinner frugal?  If you think about the fact that each family, or person, brings something to share for the dinner, then yes.

One grandson said yesterday that we need to eat like this everyday.  We laughed as we spend hours preparing the foods for the day.  My oldest daughter commented that if we made this much food in one day just for us at home, we would eat all week on it.  She is right on that for sure.

My middle daughter made dinner rolls from scratch, as well as an apple pie.  They bought the turkey and smoked it at the smokehouse where they work.  Her family made others things such as a veggie tray, gravy, a homemade cheesecake, and the green bean casserole.

My youngest daughter brought the cranberry sauce.

My mom mad her "famous" applesauce Jello.

My oldest daughter provided the candies yams, a pumpkin pie and a sweet potato pie (and the whipped topping), drinks, a small ham, and the boxes of stuffing.

I made the deviled eggs and the mashed potatoes.  Last Saturday our town gave away tons of potatoes free.  They were from a large farm here in Kansas.  They were the potatoes that the farmer couldn't sell to the stores because they were different shapes and such.  I picked up 2 - 10 lb bags.  When we went to church Sunday, someone in the church had picked up 7 bags and had them out for any members who wanted to take as many as they wanted.

You know we are eating leftovers today....all day  :)

I don't know why, but I just didn't take any pictures at all yesterday. Usually I'm snapping pictures as we cook as well as when we eat.  I'm kicking myself now, of course.  I "stole" this picture that my middle daughter took of her hubby's full plate.

I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with family and friends.  See you next Friday  :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

WIP Wednesday-- All About the Bags

I am trying to only work on the drawstring backpacks for gifts until I get them all done.

I made all of the ones that had fabric cut for.

Now I have my other fabrics out and I'm working on cutting the rest of it to start on more.  I sure hope in the end that I have enough to make the amount of bags that I need to make!

Of course tomorrow is Thanksgiving and that's also it's own WIP!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Rectangle quilt
challenge wall hanging
Hexagon quilt
Emerald Island Fusique table runner
Five and Dime quilt
Brown half square triangle table runner
2 sets of doll blanket, pillows, bed and rug
Wall hanging for quilt guild
yo-yo's that need to be made into projects
black and white rail fence quilt
Arkansas Crossroads scrap quilt
T-shirt latchhook rug
Charming Stars quilt
Special crocheted prayer shawl
Fall Squares table topper
Crazy colored quilt with the five and dime blocks
Rainbow colored string quilt
St. Patricks yo-yo table topper/runner
Lexington quilt
? microwave hotpads
? drawstring backpacks for gifts and for sale

I link up with the following blogs:
WIPs on Wednesdays