
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

WIP Wednesday--Quilt Retreat

The quilt retreat was awesome as usual.  As usual, I bounced between working on different projects over the weekend.

I finished the 3 Barbie doll blankets for the girls for their birthdays.  Now I just have the pillows to stuff and the beds to make.  I put their name on each blanket.

I got a start on the 9 microwave hotpads that I am making to go in the boutique booth for our guild at the Common Threads quilt show in Wichita next month.

I worked on the Arkansas Crossroads quilt top.  What I've found is that I will need to make quite a few more half square triangles.  Now I'm deciding whether I want to make those first or finish what blocks I can and actually know how many I need to make.  I'm sure the latter would be the wiser choice.

I worked on making more blue and brown yo-yo's for the table runner order.  I laid them out only to find out just how many more of those I also need to make to finish it.

I pulled out the black and white with a touch of red blocks that I had made at the last retreat in October.  Again, what I found is just how many more I need to make to finish it.  This picture is the blocks on the board just laid out.   I did do more work after this picture--sewed more strips together, sewed some pieces for the backing, but I need to find more black and white to make more blocks too.


Rectangle quilt
challenge wall hanging
Hexagon quilt
Emerald Island Fusique table runner
Five and Dime quilt
Brown half square triangle table runner
3 sets of doll blanket, pillows, bed and rug--plus more to sell
Wall hanging for quilt guild
yo-yo's that need to be made into projects
black and white rail fence quilt
Arkansas Crossroads scrap quilt
T-shirt latchhook rug
Rainbow colored locker hook rug
Charming Stars quilt
Special crocheted prayer shawl
Fall Squares table topper
Blue and Brown Yo-Yo table topper

2016 Finishes:
Smaller pink 4 patch quilt for charity
Pink 4 patch quilt for charity
Hexagon flower table runner
T-shirt toothbrush rug

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WIPs on Wednesdays