
Friday, July 10, 2015

Frugal Friday with Marsha --Week in Review 7/10/15


I hope this post finds that you have had a good week. We've had rain here and cooler weather, which has been so nice. It's felt like a dry desert out there with triple digits temps and no rain.
My few sunflowers are starting to bloom. Here is a nice picture to share with you. Not near as many as I usual have, but still a delight to see when I am driving down the street to come home each time.

Not sure about the frugal week in itself. I still can't get hubby to understand that paying the bills comes first and we have to make due with what is left.
Again it's been babysitting grandchildren and my daughter bringing food for me to feed them that has mostly gotten us by.

Oh, I guess I should add that part of my problem with hubby is once again his grocery shopping without asking...and you know, without paying the bills first. He bought ground beef and ground turkey. It is hard to complain just because yes, having food is nice. But, what happens when we can't cook the food because he's not paid the gas and light bills?
He's also been doing the cooking with this food too.

I, on the other hand, am guilty too. For 2 months I spent the 2200 Swagbucks to redeem for $25 Walmart gift cards. My sole buy us a new bedding set. We've had the other for 7 years and it was really past being worn it was brown and ugly. I know that could have waited and I should have been using the $50 at Walmart for food and other necessities over buying the bedding set. It sure was nice to get into bed last night though. I will continue to take swagbucks deal to get my choice of a $25 gift card for the discounted points of 2200 instead of 2500 once a month. Otherwise I am getting $25 paypal now, which I actually did use that to shop at Aldi.
p.s. I did buy the bedding set through and through swagbucks to earn a few more points there. I picked it up at the store.

How has your week been? I hope there are those of you out there who post your coupon deals that will link up and motivate me to get back to my couponing. ALL frugal type posts are welcome in the linky!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Writer's Unite 7/9/15


Another week has gone by for me without posting here on my blog, or on bubblews.
So busy...again with birthdays and the holiday. At home I'm busy still earning with the traffic exchanges I am doing. I will have a dedicated post to one that I've joined with an early invite when it goes live on Monday!

I'm also downright busy getting ready for the quilt show July 23-25th. I am in charge of quilt entry intake. I'm putting in all of the information from entries now into a google spreadsheet. This is taking awhile to number entries as I put them in. Over 150 entries. Another gal is waiting on my to finish the spreadsheet so that she can make the tags that go with each entry! Not to mention that along with the paperwork that I also have 2 quilts of my own that need to be finished before the 23rd in order to enter them in the show.

I have been more active on tsu as we've been out and about. The tsu app is great and so easy to use. I plan a post with a linky for anyone to put in their tsu profile page so that I have a reference to go by to check in on active users. In fact, I will make it a page in the index for anyone to use when they would like to.

In the meantime, I do look forward to seeing what you have been writing.....and it doesn't have to be something written in the last week either. Feel free to share anything you would like, no matter when you wrote it!